Stamping Application Post

Aug 25, 2013 14:01

My application to be stamped as a Once Upon a Time character at tvdramaland was too long to be a comment, so I'm following the rules. It is only posted here for the characterstamp Mod to grab it, so please don't stamp me here, LJ friends. Feel free to join/stamp me there, though! :)

Name: Toni
Age: 28
Ensemble: Fantasy

1. If you could date any one character from the list above, in the enchanted forest, who would it be and why? Oh, this is hard. I'd have a totally different answer for Storybrooke, but in the Enchanted Forest it would probably have to be Captain Hook. Rumplestiltskin is a close second. Because Neal, Jefferson and Regina are Storybrooke-based, and because Rumplestiltskin is awesome but less my type...and I wouldn't want to date him after he met Belle cuz I have no need to mess with true love. Captain Hook is smart, fun, a little rough, and also a pirate. I love pirates.

2. If you could change one thing about Once Upon A Time, what would you change and why? I would get rid of the storyline with Greg and Tamara in Season 2. I think the writers could have led the show to Neverland and Regina's self-sacrifice another way, and I just found them really not fun to watch...especially compared to the many fun villains the show already created.

3. If you could have any magical power, what would it be and why? Selective Invisibility. I'd love to have powers that could make us NOT poor, but I wouldn't really want to be able to create things from nothing, as in just "poof, money!" I'd much rather have the ability to take money from those who have more than can be spent in several generations and use it to better our lives, and others who could use it.

4. If magic/magicks really did exist in our world, do you think it would come with consequences/prices, why or why not? Yes, I think it would. Power comes with choices, and choices have consequences, so I don't think magic would be any different. Even if they weren't like "people die" consequences, you would still have to face people's opinions about your actions, and the results of those actions, whether you used magic for good or "evil."

5. Tell us about a time when your anger caused you to be destructive. What did you damage? Why do you think you were you destructive? I can't think of any instances like this. I've never been really destructive as far as I know, and I rarely get angry. Even if I do get angry, I tend to keep it to myself. I can't think of anything I've damaged or a time when I was willfully destructive, sorry.

6. Do you have desires that are silly or childish? What are they? Would/do you act on these wishes/desires? I suppose I do. When I write or think up fiction, I do so with the hope that it could get published and make enough money to allow me to not work ever again, except more writing. I know how unlikely that actually is, but I also know that some people make that happen, so I cling to the hope. I wish to be able to eat food that is bad for me as much as I want without ever getting sick. Also, I wish I could spend entire days just piecing together jigsaw puzzles. I imagine many people would consider that childish.

7. If you had to be either deaf, mute or blind, which would you choose and why? Which do you suppose would be the worst situation for you and why? I would choose to be mute. I write better than I speak already, and some days I'd be silent if I could anyhow. Being deaf would make the world harder for me to live in, so it wouldn't be my first choice, but being blind would be the worst for me. I wouldn't be able to see the things and people I love, I would nearly starve because I can't stand eating something I can't see, and I would lose the ability to read the way I always have, and reading is one of my favorite things.

8. If you could live this life over again, what type of person would you try to be? Where would you reside? Would you make the same decisions this time? Why or why not? If I had all my memories from this time, I would make better decisions. I would try to be the same kind of person, but I would attempt to steer things in a better direction. I would go to the college in California that wanted me and attempt to meet my future fiance sooner, and generally try to avoid homelessness and despair. I would do so because there are parts of my history that I'd be happy to avoid as long as I wouldn't lose what I learned from those times...and because I would never want to change things so much that I lose those who are most important to me.

9. What do you think are your top five worst qualities and why? Procrastination, Irresponsibility, Constant Anxiety, Inability to Recognize/Define My Feelings, Stubbornness

10. What do you think are your top five best qualities and why? I never really know how to answer this. People who know me would be way better experts on my good traits than I this is more of a guess. :) Loyalty, Pluck, Intelligence, Open-Mindedness, Creativity

11. What do you look for in a friend? If you don't really have friends, why don't you? The main thing I have always "looked for" in a friend is that they be interested enough in me to pursue me until I befriend them in return. I never seek out friends on my own. I don't really have friends currently because I'm happy enough keeping to myself that I don't seek them out, but also because I'm not good at putting forth the effort to keep them once they choose me.

12. Rate the following things in order from most important to least:
Friends, Family, Health, Knowledge, Wealth, Happiness, Faith, True Love, Purpose, Peace True Love, Knowledge, Purpose, Wealth, Family, Friends, Happiness, Health, Faith, Peace


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