Yes, so I went to GoF *cough*three times because I am dorktastic*cough* this weekend, and though I'm completely killed by uni (does anyone want to write a 12 page paper on the protofeminist aspect of Wife of Bath for me?), I wanted to get my thoughts down before I completely forget what happened, which would be tragic, obviously.
1. Numbered because I am lazy and unorganized.
2. The most important part of this movie: DANIEL READCLIFFE MADE MY UTERUS EXPLODE WITH GLEE. Did you see that boy's ass? *happy place* The bathroom scene was especially nice. My god, that boy has abs, and no, I don't feel the least bit guilty about perving on him because holy shite he is hot and I am not made of stone. Ass! Also, he has leg hair now. I don't know why, but that makes me squeeful.
3. Also, danrad can act now! When did that happen? The crucio scene in the graveyard was most, most impressive. Now I can say I actually like him for more than his hot ass, which is a good thing.
4. Emma Watson, on the other hand, sucks ass, and not in the positive, life-affirming way. Er, sweetie, Hermione's not that shrill. And plz to be getting more than two default settings, angry and weepy, kthxdie. No, that's mean, don't die. Just...learn to act, or let someone else play Hermione.
5. Cedric is hot ass, and also VERY VERY GAY. He wanted some of danrad's ass. Yes, there was much with the Cedric/Harry love, and it was good.
6. Ginny Weasley is a slag. Neville totally got some.
7. The horntail was awesome.
8. Ralph Fiennes rocks my socks so utterly that it's insane. He is the perfect Voldemort, and even though I didn't picture Voldie prancing around and what-have-you in the book, Ralph sold it. After 12 years without a body, wouldn't you be prancing too?
9. OMGWTF Crouch Jr's lizard tongue?
10. Er, why'd they get rid of the monsters in the maze? That was...random. Seriously, how long does it take to show Harry putting the hurt on a giant spider and figuring out a riddle, I ask you?
11. Viktor had a sex slave. That be-bearded guy who never left his side? SO GAY.
12. Danrad's "I love magic!!" in the beginning is VERY VERY GAY. Are you sensing a pattern with this movie? GAY.
13. SNAPE!!!! OMG, GLEEEEE!!! That veritaserum scene was delicious. As was the study hall scene. ♥. He and Harry are totally thisclose to doing it, no joke. GAYNESS.
14. I can't think of a fourteen.
15. They left out the "if you are prepared" scene, those utter bastards. *stabbity*
16. If I had any decency whatsoever, I would have wept like a little baby when Cedric died, instead of laughing at Hermione's retarded "everything's going to change now, isn't it?" shite. But I didn't, and I did. Bob Saget moments suck, filmakers, just so's you know. Emma Watson also sucks, and can't pull that stuff off.
I'm so sorry I haven't been replying to comments or posts or wished anyone a happy birthday, but like I said, 12 page Wife of Bath paper, and that's actually the least of it. I don't think I'll be on much (read: at all) for the next couple of weeks, but I'll maybe be able to catch up a little this weekend, what with Thanksgiving and all. So. If you wrote something (be it fic or your own ramblings on GoF or your cat or whatever), read something really cool, or just feel like updating me on what's going on with you, comment. Comments are wonderful, links rock. But I might not get back to you for a few days (though I will get comment eventually, I promise).
So. How are you?