(no subject)

Nov 09, 2005 23:53

Poor Robert Pattison. Us LJ bitches are so mean to him. I mean, he can't even whore around without us tearing him apart. Can a man not be addicted to booze and loose women anymore without severe mockery? What is this world coming to, I ask you?

And who's hiding all the good danrad icons? I know someone's got them, so spill. Not HP ones, cause I've got a metric buttload of those, but just him. I am in need of hotness, people.

My Lit class now thinks that I am a freak that rapes people in their sleep, and it's all fandom's fault. How was I supposed to know that "somnophilia" isn't a common word when I hang out with you people all the time?

Hm, what else was I going to say? I don't know. Lalalala, I'm random! Oh, I know, a poll!

Poll The Poll of Unwieldy Doom

blah blah blaaaah, fandom: harry potter, poll!, meta: fic

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