(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 20:51

I want to spread the joy of boy (or girl) sex this holiday season, so I'm doing Christmas Cards and drabbles for people. Sign up if you want one, or be sad and get no mail for Christmas D: I promise I'm not going to stalk you or sell your name or anything like that, because that would be mean and we don't want that, do we?

Poll Christmas Cards

The comments will be screened, so if there's something I should know, like an issue with parents or something like that, or you ran out of space in the poll, just leave it there.

ETA: Er, that should be explicit sex, not explicit sec. *smites fingers*

ETA 2: They'll be in envelopes, don't worry. I can't reply to the comments or they'll be unscreened, but have no fear! No one's parents will be blinded by hot gay man sex. At least, not from these cards :D

i love fandom, yay!, christmas cards!

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