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Brendon/Ian kink discovery amisophe November 4 2011, 09:45:36 UTC

So. Anyone notice how fucking much Brendon pulls Ian's hair and Ian just goes?
I can't find good video, but when I saw them he just yanked on his hair from behind with no warning. Ian didn't even blink. It's their thing and it's glorious.

Not even looking.

Just so comfortable.

Ian gets lost in it.

Dallon gets in on it.

Clearly, there needs to be kink discovery fic. How did this come to be? Brendon just did it randomly once, saw how Ian reacted and ran with it? Maybe he just thinks it's convenient for the stage show, and has no idea how much desperate ~angst it puts Ian in. Maybe Ian encourages it without saying anything, because he'll take what he can get.


Re: Brendon/Ian kink discovery amisophe November 4 2011, 22:07:39 UTC
Oh, or maybe Brendon does realize what Ian's ~reaction means, because he's experienced, and decides to teach him You And Your Pain Kink 101. (Unashamedly stolen from that old Frank/Jepha/Brian commentfic.) This basically consists of pushing him around a lot.


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