FACT: Brendon and Spencer are gay married boyfriends

May 31, 2011 00:01

So I promised tellcincinnati and dancinbutterfly a Brendon/Spencer recs post with interviews where they're super fucking obviously in love with each other and proud boyfriends. I'm also going to do a fic recs post soon, but it's late and I have another (!) Panic concert and meet and greet tomorrow, so I have to get my beauty rest *bats eyelashes*

Anyway, without further ado, the boys being obvious failboats in love:

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This is the first interview I ever saw of them, and just. Jesus Christ. It's a long one, and they're super cute throughout all of it, but let me point out a few moments of interest:
  • 2:30-3:20: Brendon explaining that New Perspective is based on a dream he had featuring Spencer. New Perspective, you know, that song that prominently features a lyric about oral sex. Okay then, Brendon. Also, Spencer's about to talk about dreams he's had about Brendon and Brendon is all "DON'T TELL THEM ABOUT THE SEX DREAMS"
  • 4:40-5:00: Spencer casually draping his arm on Brendon's chair.
  • 5:10-5:30: Spencer complimenting Brendon really fucking randomly, like the proud boyfriend he is, then smiling at him all bone-meltingly, ugh. Plus, bonus thigh pat.
  • 8:00-8:50: Spencer gets his hair so shiny because of the "mayonnaise" "protein" treatment Brendon helps with. Brendon then makes a jerk off motion to illustrate what Spencer really means by "mayonnaise."

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  • 7:25-7:50: Bden and Spencer describe when they first met. Apparently, their eyes locked and Air Supply started playing in the background, and it was "magical." I just.

Buzzine interview

This one won't embed for some reason, :(, but still worth watching. EDIT: so apparently it will embed, but only if it gets to fuck up the entire rest of the post :( :( :( so yeah, CLICK THE LINK YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOOOO.
  • 7:00: BRENDON WILL DO ANYTHING, ANY DEBAUCHERY. Said while staring at Spencer, while Spencer looks all shy a;lskfj;lskjd
  • 7:10: Brendon flat-out staring at Spencer with hearts in his eyes.
  • 7:20: Brendon staring at Spencer's mouth.
  • 7:23: "I will get naked though." And Spencer smiles and looks pleased.

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The entire interview is adorable, and they're constantly looking at each other and smiling.
  • 3:00: The interviewer actually COMMENTS on how they're always looking at each other, which Brendon takes to mean it's time for snuggles.
  • 3:13: They had a baby! It's a boy!

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The Overture!
  • 2:50-3:20: Spencer Smith saves his boyfriend! From a girl!
  • 6:00-end: "I guess it's just us then" "It always has been." Then they ride off into the sunset flames together. Because they are flaming. (I'm sorry, I had to)

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The description of this video on failboatsinlove is perfect (starts at 0:39): Spencer staring at Brendon's mouth and then he sort of snapped out of it at 0:50 and then at 0:58 he was like control yourself! but then he went back to staring at Brendon's hair and face and just. &BOYS;

MTV Shows

A thirty second video in which Spencer does nothing but stare at Brendon. No, seriously. If you didn't know what Spencer looked like from the front before watching this video, you still wouldn't know afterwards.

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  • 1:20-1:30: The Spance Dance! Also, Spencer, stop looking at Brendon like that, you're in public.
  • 2:40: Brendon airdrumming. He knows how to get his boyfriend hot and bothered, okay?

There are a bunch more, but like I said, it's late and I should go to bed. I'll probably add to this later, or make a second part, idk. Hope you enjoy, girls! <33333

panic at the discooooo, panic! at the motherfucking disco

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