The gay, let me show you it.

Feb 27, 2009 14:15

Things overheard today while walking on campus:

1. Random guy: "That guy sucks more cock than anyone I've ever seen." - ORLY? So a lot of cocksucking then? Obviously I need to follow this dude around. He seems to be hanging out in the fun part of town.

2. Philosophy teacher: "A race car is not a waffle maker." - I'm glad I have never had breakfast with this guy.

Things learned today:

1. Despite how delicious it sounds, Thin Mint girl scout cookie ice cream is not delicious.

2. Rodney McKay is the reincarnated soul of Isaac Newton.

No, really:

Also, I finally finished watching all of Merlin. Uh, okay, so I finished it like, a month ago, but this term has been CRAZYCAKES so I'm just now getting around to posting about it. And, okay: this fandom is spoiled so badly you guys. I'd been seeing all these posts about how, omg, episode 13 was not slashy AT ALL, WTF? So I was braced for it! I was ready for there to be no man-love! I battened my hatches (speaking of, omg, LOST!!! But that's a different post), I put on my tin-hat, I was down and ready!

And then I got this (caps are from awakencordy:

Merlin needs your hand right there to help him run, Arthur! Uh, yeah. (Also, I'm pretty sure there's an ass grope that follows this, but these caps don't show it D:)

And this:

Groping/protecting his boyfriend...

"He can't die, it is my destiny to protect him! We haven't done all the things we're meant to do."

His faaaaaace!

Why yes, that is Arthur's head in Merlin's lap.

"I'm happy to be your servant till the day I die."

And then, okay, after the aforementioned moment (which basically was an emotionally stunted marriage proposal) we get this look:

You know that song, The Look of Love? The look of love is in your eyes tonight? IT WAS MADE FOR THIS MOMENT. RIGHT HERE.

Honestly, I may have cracked up at the end of the episode when I thought about all the "It's not slashy enouuuugh!!!!111" posts, because, dude. In fact, when I was in London I happened upon the Pride Parade. There was a guy in assless chaps there, wearing a pink thong and a feather boa. And sparkles. And he was wandering around holding the hand of a drag queen in a wedding gown.

This? This was gayer than that.

fandom: sga, i don't even know okay, picspam yays, fandom: merlin lol, sqeeeee

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