You guys, I have come to the sad realization that I suck at LJ. I'm going through my flist, but at this point it's at like, skip 5000, so, uh. I think I might just look at the noticeboards, because I am lazy, and also the aforementioned sucking.
Anyway, a couple of things:
- OMG, Stargate tomorrow, holy crap. *flails*
- More people need to go sign up for the tagathon over at sga_episodefic. Seriously, who doesn't like tagfic, hmmm? Sign-ups go until tomorrow the end of today, so there's still time!
- I am insanely jealous of those of you who're at Shore Leave. It's really unattractive. However! I'm looking forward to con reports and living vicariously through y'all's posts. And also hoping that there will be pictures of cleavage. Mmmm, cleavage.
- Photoshop hates me, as does Joe Flanigan's hair.
- Hi!
Uh, there were other things, but I can't think of them.