When RL and fandom collide

Jan 18, 2006 13:27

You know what's really strange? When you find out that a girl, whom you don't like, is in fandom, and you don't like her there, either. Well, no, okay, she's not in fandom enough to dislike her personally in fandom. Um, if that makes sense. But her fic is there, and it is bad. It is bad, bad Remus/Sirius fic, and it makes me think of Fun with Dick and Jane.

I think I'll pretend I don't know, 'cause I don't want her reading my necro. o.0 That could get awkward.

ETA: SOMEONE MAKE HER STOP, GOD, PLEASE. Also, she needs a shift key. She can borrow mine, look, IT WORKS!

*hands*, fandom: harry potter, badfic makes the baby jesus cry

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