Jun 17, 2007 23:58
i have experienced more emotions in the past month than i have in the last 3 years. it's completely draining. i went from complete and utter self loathing/pity to being happy and feeling hyper and independent , to depressed again, to lonely , to horny and hyper, to feeling like i'm gunna rip my face off and give up on the world , and thats where i am at this second. i feel left behind, lonely , isolated and above all anxious. i thought that it had gone away. the nervous belly, the shaking, the complete and utter hate for society, but it hasn't. tonight i sat alone and watched 4 hours worth of dvds. i discovered veronica mars has excellent writers, the show is witty and i really liked it. freaks and geeks is good tho the pilot was terrible, the next two shows were very humorous. i could go on about all the shitty dvds i've watched in the past few weeks, or how i've been mentally unstable lately, like thats news. i'm not angry, i'm not bitter, i'm just hurt. i can't let anyone else tell me how to feel.