Help me make a soundtrack!

Sep 15, 2009 20:48

Hey all, since I know so many people with fantastic taste in music, I wanted to ask for some help. I'm working on a screenplay for my creative writing private reading, and I'm looking for some music to inspire me and to hopefully work into the script itself. My general plot is (as Chris described it the other day, ha ha) an intellectual on-the-road buddy movie.

I'm looking for simple music, sort of along the lines of this:

image Click to view

(Ignore the video, although it's sort of cute in a wtfhipster sort of way :P)

More piano would be great, too. My main character plays the piano, so if you could rec me some great, simple, sort of plunky piano music I would love you forever and ever.

And probably thank you in my acceptance speech when I win an oscar for this movie. It will totally happen.
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