Every drawing that I do is never ever as cute as you...

Jan 30, 2005 21:43

*laughs cynically*
"It doesn't make sense."

Yes well...I agree. Why do you like me?
Why pick me? I'm stupid...I can't talk. I'm lazy. I whine. I pick at people. I start fights. I'm a grammar and spelling nazi. I bite my nails. I'm greedy. I'm self-centered. I'm forgetful, sometimes on purpose. I don't try. I'm clumsy. As much as it seems I trust people I'm always so afraid of betrayal. So afraid of someone lying. So afraid...
It's obscene how paranoid I am. So much of it I don't let on...
It's not fair to the world how I'm the way I am, and I am not fat.
It's not fair to the world for people to care about me.
It's not fair for me to be able to play the piano, and not care, while so many people would die to be able to.
It's not fair for me to draw like I do, and do absolutely nothing with it.
It's not fair for me to have so many friends...
So much love...and still somehow end up needing more...
It's not fair that I don't love as many people as I should...
It's not fair.
I don't deserve your love.
I don't deserve anything...

I hate how I can't see you. It's so hard to be able to. You have no idea how terrifying my dad is...
But believe me...I'm trying. I'm trying so hard.

It's hard to see what you're typing when it feels like you're looking out from inside a fishbowl...

Kill this fucking distance.
And let me be with you.
And only you.
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