I think it was you and you know very well...

Jan 13, 2005 16:49

WOW. Today was amazing. Stephanie, Sarah, and I pulled the -best- prank ever. Here's the story -

It all started when we were assigned a project in art class. We were each assigned a letter and we had to paint a picture of something representing that letter. Sarah Craten got "R", so she did a pic of the main character from The Ring, Samara, sitting on a chair in a padded cell. The entire finished alphabet was hung above the freshman lockers. We had originally decided the prank was going to only be this: We would make a replica of the painting, but without Samara in it, just the chair. We did. The freshman freaked out. And one of them took it down. So Sarah wrote a note and stuck it up there that said "7 Days -- Bring it back!" So the next day, (6 days left), we put up a picture of Samara climbing out of the well. The next was her standing next to it. And so on as she got closer to the front until it was just her face. But Today...Today was the culmination of it all. During class meeting, which is a time where each grade gets together in a classroom to discuss things they need to get done (I.e. Juniors talk about ring dance and stuff, Seniors talk about senior projects), Sarah and Stephanie dressed me up as Samara - White nightgown, black ratty wig, powder for that 'dead' look, a little water - And I walked by their classroom door. The first time I simply walked by and turned my head to look in at them, a few were like "What's that?!" On my way back I sort of creeped...crawley sort of thing - JtHM style bent knees clawed hands thing. They screamed like someone'd just been murdered. And Sarah, Steph, Ali, and I just laughed our asses off.

The entire day they were talking about it. And a majority of the class still has no idea that it was me. Proves my lying skills...
I was sitting in one of the pieano practice rooms, playing Clocks as usual, and Kaity and Jill were outside listening. A group of freshmen walk up to them and start talking about it. Kaity acts like she never knew, Jill plays along. Then two of them accuse me and I simply told them I was late to school and even when I got here I went straight to -my- class meeting and even sat next to Kaity. They bought a story like that. I then proceeded to play the theme from Jason. They were thoroughly creeped out.

Goooooood times.

Other news:
Got all my shit in for the quarter save a few shitty little Enviro assignments I'll probably just e-mail to Ms. Albrecht this weekend.

Finished off my Research paper outline.
Ms. Wolfe didn't totally shoot it down.
Very very good.

Managed to finish two of my art prjects today:
Alice in Wonderland (Sarah, Thea, Nancy, and Dana style)
And a self-portrait that I'm oddly proud of.

Got to eat lunch even with having to finish the outline.
Saw Erin Brokovitch in Enviro instead of taking a quiz.
Saw the last half of Casablanca in Religion.

It was essentially a damn good day.

And tomorrow, I'm making waffles!
Just kidding.
Tomorrow I get to spend an entire freaking day with Brett. Weehoo! Joy! ^.^ <3
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