so instead of either sleeping or being productive (i tried for awhile but im too tired to think much, and im too nontired to sleep...its awsome!) i found the part in Ferris Bueller's Day Off where Mrs.McBride was an extra. it makes me happy to see her again even if it is for like 3 seconds making a face ad such...i miss her...
anyways, heres the link, she is the second person on it, starts at like 00:03.... goes till 00:07.... was and is a great a band director.
and a silly lil bunny! :)
also, she had a hole in her nose and could stick her batton though it.
and sometimes i would think she was gonna fall off the podium cause she would stop her foot for the and count so we played at the right worked and i learned how long it was, but the first few times i though she was falling hehe...
and once she wore wayyyy too much white face makup to a concert and looked perdy creapy. i wonder if she knew. and she had her favorite concert outfit which was mostly black but some gold (our colors are black and gold!) and she had a favorite sun hat that was black and had a ribbon thingie around it that had gold stars...
she really did care about and love all her students...and always said band kids are the best kids and laughed about how people thought she was nuts for taking hunderds of teenagers on a band trip but she liked it alot and trusted us...
she was amazing...and pasionate...and loved everything....on her cell phone everytime she turned it on it said somthing ot the effect of "every day is a new day" and she would live every day...really LIVE...
and i liked the way she would squeeze my sholder for reassurance...i remeber the last time she did...and i kept daydreaming that after winter break she would be better and back from the hosptial...
i could only find one pic of her now on the internet...on facebook (im glad i oddly obsessed and saved all the pics i could find to my compuyer...) and Westfield finally updated their page to have current teachers listed...i hope everyone hasnt forgot
i should sleepies...kelly at 9am...which means i have to be up BEFORE then...