Mar 28, 2009 19:33
Stagnant. Submissive. Summarized existence. We are held by ingrained silence and apathetic boredom. We remain still and lifeless bound by tradition and Christian morales. Life consumed by the procedure and efficiency of the American social machine. Talk Shows uncovering the scandals of society, social superiority based on genetics, 10 days to the new thinner you, all new episodes of the 700 Club, media extravaganza, O.J. Simpson, and Chelsea is a riot girl. Late Night with Lettermen, Spring Break in Daytona, Newt Gingrich, Rodney King, Generation X, and the downfall of the nuclear family.
However, life is not meant to be structured into an assembly line with exact same parts making the exact same product. Life was never meant to be a procedure. Life is fluid. Life spins you upside down and turns you every which way and you can't be expected to remain passive and silent through the whole wonderful ride. Maybe hardcore is allowing me to assert control over my life. By letting me to live to the fullest, by letting me make my own noise based on my own decision and my own action. So yes this is the sound of my hopes, and this is the sound my dreams, and this is the sound of my heart. Silence is silent. Make your own noise.