Jul 15, 2005 17:34
i dunno why i even bother with my mom, it's always the same thing with her. If i dont do something, why didnt i do it?? and if i do it why did i do it?? i can never make her happy in anything at all i try really hard, but all she does is critize me all the time!! and im sick of it.
I cant even spend time with my sister 'cause then she get mad, like last saturday we were at the pool with my brother, sister and my bro's girlfriend and we were hanging out and she got all mad at me 'cause i was with them 'cause she doesnt like my bro's girlfriend so hse got mad. just because she doesnt like that girl!! what am i supposed to do she's always hanging out with my sister 'cause they are good friends so if i wanna hang out with my sister i have to hang out with her too and that is not my fault and my mom gets mad at me for that. its stupid.
today i make the bast chicken ever and she complains about it, so typical.
i just cant wait 'till she leaves 'cause i decided that im not going with her, im not going to mississippi, and she cant make me, i dunno what i'm gonna do, where i'm gonna live or anything yet 'cause i cant stay with my brother and i'm definitely not going to my grandparents, all i know is that i'm gonna trust in God and I know He'll take care of things and make everything work like He always does.
Anyway yesterday was fun!! underground church was really cool. Thanks to Chris and Dave 'cause they knew that I was a christian and they were guards and they didnt turn me in, it was awsome!!! Chris looked really cool with his ninja stuff, i wish i woulve taken a picture. lol.
cant wait 'till sunday to go to JB's that should be tons of fun!!!