yea i guess you can say im glad were starting a new year. the last one was sub-par so to speak. the break was gay. reallly didn't do too much. and i totally didn't get my opportune moment. oh well. there's always next... week, or month or couple of months. we shall see.
sooo 2006 looks like it's gonna be a big year for me. there's so much going on its INSANE. let's see. we have cities, counties, and state sectional championships for swimming. I MUST LEAD MY MEN TO VICTORY. then senior prom and graduation and the euro-trip, and college starting and crap.
but mostly there's 1 thing that i reeeeeeeeeeeaally want to work out. cuz that would just make me so totally happy. and stuff.
anyways i found this and i thought it was funny...
o man that kid is AWESOME. he totally reminds me of myself.