Title: Blue (1/1)
Fandom: SyFy's "Alice"
Characters/Pairings: Hatter POV, Hatter ---> Alice
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Not really, but maybe? LOL That makes no sense. It doesn't BLATANTLY spoil the show, but if you haven't seen it, I'd still be wary.
Summary: Hatter's thoughts upon his first meeting with Alice.
He had always liked the color blue.
He told himself that that was the reason he couldn’t stop staring. He tried to play it off, which he was normally quite good at. But this time was different.
He couldn’t stop looking at her, and it was ... damn unsettling. Almost as unsettling as the fact that he had apparently forgotten how to breathe properly. That little hitch in his throat when he’d got his first look at her -- that wasn’t normal.
It wasn’t just the dress, though the dress was pretty spectacular. But no. It was also the way the dress set off her eyes. Which were also blue. Not bright blue, like the color of the Hope tea he had in his shop. No, this Oyster’s eyes were … more of a bluish-grey, he reasoned, like the sky after a storm.
He didn’t know why he cared though. There were pretty girls all over Wonderland. Pretty girls who were also quiet and docile. This one was anything but. This one was trouble come to call in a very nicely-filled-out little blue package.
The smart idea would be to send the little Oyster packing. But no one had ever accused Hatter of being “smart”, especially not when girls were involved.
After all, the poor girl was probably scared witless. Here she was, stuck in a place that up till just now, she’d thought only existed in a storybook.
And her name was Alice.
Oh, he didn’t believe Ratty for a second that she was the Alice of Legend. But she was an Alice, regardless, and it couldn’t hurt.
And she was pretty. Hatter knew that there were worse things in life than helping out a pretty girl in need. Sometimes there was even payment for such a … philanthropic deed.
He pushed that thought out of his head as quickly as he could. This one was shrewd, he could tell, and she’d probably pick up on an errant lusty thought a mile away. And she looked like she could probably kick his butt.
The image of her doing high kicks in that little blue dress came into his mind then, and he had a damn hard time getting that image to go away.
He was standing close to her now, too close, he knew it, and he could see that in addition to her blue eyes and her blue dress, she was also freezing -- her lips were blue. For a split second, he thought about kissing her, just because. He would've been beaten bloody for it, but it might've been worth it. And had she been anyone else, he probably would've. But there was something different about this one, and not just because she was an Oyster.
She had no one she could count on right now, no one she could trust. And maybe he wasn't exactly the most trustworthy fellow in Wonderland, but he was a damn sight better than a lot of them. For whatever reason, he felt protective of this Oyster in the blue dress. He found that he genuinely didn't want to see her hurt. It was a strange, disconcerting feeling for him.
Empathy. Where was it coming from? From her?
It was at that moment that he realized, though it alarmed him at the time, that he would follow this girl in blue anywhere.
And he did.