(Oh God I hate that Burger King advert)
Ok, a certain thing was posted in a certain community I sometimes check on... and it angers me.
-------Vegetarian Ranting... you might want to skip---------
One thing that really angers me is hearing people say that man has always eaten meat so it's ok. That is the dumbest thing I've heard, especially when justifying eating meat. Man used to do, and not do, a lot of things which no longer exist. Plus man is an 'opportunist' eater and is mostly made to eat vegitation but can consume meat so that if needed to we will not die, it's just good evolution to have a good back up plan. Anyway, I'm not going to go into all the reasons man is made to eat vegetation as much as posible apposed to meat. It's just the fact that saying man once eat meat justifies the need to do it now. I would eat an animal, I would kill it myself no problem, but only if I needed to. The main reason I became vegetarian is because I know that there is no need for me to eat meat, I don't have to cause death and pain to animals if I don't want to... and I don't!
Now when I told Robin I was going to be vegetarian and that if he wanted to eat meat he would have to cook it himself he really insulted me. He thought he would never ever give up meat and thought the whole idea was stupid. But now he hardly ever eats it... even now he cooks for himself. Even when we get takeaway or he goes out he nearly always has vegetarian food. I ask him why, he simply says there is nothing wrong with vegetarian food and he doesn't see the need to eat the lil animals. (although he does eat meat occasionally but he's said that he always felt a bid bad afterwards... and no I've not brainwashed him)
------End of that point, onto the main point... no really vegetarian ranting .Please read this!-------
But the argument was mostly about fur! I said this to someone else.... What the FUCK is wrong with fur if you eat animals?! Like I said, we don't need to eat meat, so you cannot say it's because fur is a luxury or not a nessesity. Is it because it's cute little bunnies!?!?! Sorry, but lambs are horribly cute and I used to eat them. I even think pigs are super adorable, and cows are cute too etc... (but I even think bats are cute so what do I know) And I'm sorry, but rabbits have a tiny brain compaired to pigs. Oh, and lots of people eat rabbit... plus it's in a lot of pet food. I think it's funny how so many people get upset by it yet find ways to justify eating meat. It's very hypocritical! Just put up with it, rabbit fur is so soft~
-------Now a completely different topic----------
I downloaded Tony Takitani :D I saw it at the cinema. Nice little film from a short story by Haruki Murakami. When my mum last came to visit she took me shopping, I didn't buy anything but typical of her she bought a lot. She buys way to many clothes, even for my standerds. She cannot wear them all, or at least only wear them once. I remember the amount of wardrobe space she had at home, shocking. I know she buys a couple of items every week... at least. After seeing Tony Takitani I felt so depressed shopping with her and felt like never wanting to buy clothes again. Looking around these clothes shops made me feel like I'd lost my soul. Nice film though!
And I found this clip of Plus-Tech Squeeze Box. The sound quality is bad though. It's from Adam and Joe Go Tokyo. I love Adam and Joe and watched that show way back then and so I would have seen this. I remember they also showed YUKI's Stand Up! Sister video and that got me excited, I loved her back then but then I only really cared about JaM and was still sulking about them splitting up.
It's weird!
EDIT: Also,
Polysics play on Adam and Joe Go Tokyo! (ps. I think Adam and Joe Go Tokyo was better than Japanorama. I like Johnathan Ross more but A&J did more interesting things and had 'live' music. I remember when they tried to make it as models, heehee. Yes, becoming a model is the only job a caucasian can get in Japan!)