This post took over my whole spring break. I spent a lot of time trying to put together some decent wallpapers including fandoms that some of you voted for at my personal journal. I really hope you all like these. :)
(1-10) Vampire Diaries (11-12) Buffy & Angel (13-16) Bonnie Wright (17-18) Random (Bones/Amanda Seyfried) (19-22) 500 Days of Summer (23-37) Harry Potter (38-41) Dawson's Creek (42-43) Jacob/Bella (Kristen/Taylor) (44-46) Katie Holmes (47-51) Joshua Jackson (52-53) Ian Somerhalder (54-99) Edward Scissorhands
1 Buffy & Angel 1 Damon & Elena 1 Edward Scissorhands 1 Harry & Ginny 2 The Host (Ian & Wanderer) 2 Jacob & Bella (Dream Team) 2 Jacob & Bella (Chosen Ones)