all play and no work lets jack get jacked up

Feb 21, 2004 18:24

Name: Erica
Age: I'm eleven and i'm sticking with it. (<- that's a lie.)
Location: Denver-area. Colorado.
Music taste [ list bands ]: Black Black Ocean, Dance Mexican Dancer, Placebo, The Smiths, Rooney, Manic Street Preachers, Joy Division, Elastica, Pulp, Ima Robot, The Sounds, The Star Spangles, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Buzzcocks, The Only Ones, Whirlwind Heat, The Swayback, etc.
Fashion: band shirts. tight pants. sunglasses. You'll have to find out for yourself.
Favoriate movies [5-10]: Igby Goes Down, Trainspotting, Velvet Goldmine, Spun, Lost In Translation, American Splendor, Rocky Horror Picture Show.
What do you do in yr free time?: Why do you think I have a livejournal?
Describe yrself in 3 words: really fucking (insert adjective here).
What is best about your personality & why?: Someone else should be answering this for me. Probably taht i pick up on other people's habits, and in a strange mesh of everything it becomes unique.
How did you find out about this community?__likesuperhard, because he is a love.
Why the fuck should you get in here? One of my screen names is "That Is Dynamite" afterall. It is only natural.
What are yr opinions on:
Drugs: If you want 'em, go for it. Too expensive for me, but we have on-going straight-edge jokes, so it'd be wrong if I said i was anti.
Suicide:Of course it is sad as fuck, but I do think that it can be reasonable (think terminal illness, etc). If you're going to love out your life being miserable, and it seems to be the best option to you, then it is your life & you should have the right to decide how you go.
Abortion: better stay legal. I don't know if I could ever have one, but I know people younger than me (freshmen in highschool, etc) that have. It shouldn't be thought of as an alternative to birth control, but it'll continue to go on - legal or not.
Gay marriage:should becoem legal. I see NO reasons why it shouldn't be. "Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall." (heh. heh.)
How "sacred" is marriage nowadays, anyway, with 50% of marriages ending in divorce?
"I believe that gay marriage should be reserved for between a man and woman." - the beloved governer of california.
If politicians can't speak correctly, they shouldn't get to choose anything.
War: War in general is going to stick around. Currently, i don't think we really belong in the middle east, because civilians shouldn't die for the acts of a few people.
The fact that were running out of natural land because corporate america just has to keep building useless shit?: Killing rainforests for McDonalds cow's grazing land is fucking dumb. Maybe they'll realize these things, but if not it is going to be terrble when there is nothing beautiful left.


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