Room 313 [morning]

Jan 08, 2007 14:59

Greg slid a petri dish, which he'd set up on Peter's old desk as soon as his roommate had moved out, under his microscope, and smiled a little at the contents.

"Hey there, dude," he said to the teeny tiny growth. "Is it nicer in the dish than the bathroom? Sorry I had to, y'know, clean and kill your buddies, but wasn't it nice of me to save a sample? At least, it'll be nice until Isabel makes me throw you away because it's gross or something. But at this point, if she asks me to kill you, it's you or me. Anyway, until that happens, your name is Earl. Hello, Earl the spore!"

The door, unfortunately enough, was open for all of this.

[Mostly for the new roomie! MAJOR SP as I am heading out to be social and won't be home until evening!]

my fun pet mildew, 313

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