Greg's Will

Jul 14, 2005 19:48

Peter Parker - Friend, roommate and fellow Stickbug
Nicole Jacobine Sanders - Sister

I, Gregory Bjarte Sanders, lately of Fandom, Virginia, hereby bequeath my possessions as such in the event of my untimely demise. No, I do not have children and would not like to provide for any future children.

Gifts of Cash
Specific Bequests
    To my girlfriend, Isabel Evans, I leave my T-shirts, hair products, CDs, and my non-hazardous chemicals.

    To my roommate, friend, and fellow Stickbug, Peter Parker, I leave my microscope and all hazardous chemicals, and lab equipment.

    To my friend, and fellow Stickbug, John Crichton, I leave my track shoes and sports equipment.

    To John's girlfriend, Aeryn Sun, I leave my bicycle, located in my garage in San Gabriel.

    To my neighbor, Alec, I leave the condoms I will never use, located in my nightstand in 313.

    To my friend, Zack Addy, I leave my computer.

    To my friend and fellow Stickbug, Peter Pevensie, I leave my Mr. What DVDs.

    To my friend and fellow Stickbug, Charlene Kawalsky, I leave my share of the beachballs left in 313.

    To my BFF, Johnina, I leave my favorite dress and my wig.

    To my other BFF, Petra, I leave my makeup kit.

    To my sekrit friend who really loves me, Inkykin Skywriter, I leave my turtle, Josiah.

    To my other sekrit friend who really loves me, Callisto, I leave any bread that I possess at the time of my death. For duck-feeding purposes.

    To my sister, Nicole Jacobine Sanders, I leave my books and my dog, Mendel.

    To my parents, I leave the contents of my room in San Gabriel, CA.
Distribution of Remainder, Primary Heirs

As for the remainder of my estate:
    - 20% of the remainder to my girlfriend, Isabel Evans.
    - 20% of the remainder to my friend, roommate and fellow Stickbug, Peter Parker.
    - 10% of the remainder to my friend and fellow Stickbug, John Crichton.
    - 10% of the remainder to my friend and fellow Stickbug, James Madrox.
    - 10% of the remainder to my friend and fellow Stickbug, Tyler Durden.
    - 10% of the remainder to my friend and fellow Stickbug, Peter Pevensie.
    - 10% of the remainder to my friend and fellow Stickbug, Charlene Kawalsky
    - 10% of the remainder to my friend and fellow Stickbug, Cameron Mitchell

[More will be added as I think of people]
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