Sep 28, 2005 21:04
My half-brother, his wife, his step-son, and his brother just left to go back to Houston,TX.They came here because of Rita. They are supposed to be moving to Atlanta next week because they want to live in GA. It was fun having them here. My bro and his bro replaced all my stock speakers in my car with Pioneers because I had blown all of mine except my subs. He said Pioneers are some of the best component speakers and they are. I think his step-son is off because he's 11 and can't tie his shoes, he stole my old school Tommy Hilfiger Gameboy Color (he thought we gave it to him because my mom said he forgot his gameboy b/c we all thought it was his.Nobody gave him permission to take it.If he would have asked it would have been fine for him to play with it.), and some other crap he does shows that he has problems. That's like his mom's fault for not getting him help. She works my bro's brother like a dog. I felt sorry for him so I took him to church with me and we went some other places. Then at night we would chill in my room and watch Comedy Central. He's a senior also and he wants to stay here every weekend when they move to Atlanta. I haven't seen my bro in awhile so it was great. They'll be back here in 2 weeks (hopefully just him and his bro). I dreaded going back to school today. Anyways I am going to go chill and watch some tv.