friday the 13th will be fun, that is, if superstitious people make a big deal about it. I'm sort of superstitious but not for friday the 13th, more for things that occur more often.
oh so i finally uploaded my pictures from california, and in the spirit of creepy things, here are some pictures of stuff in this crazy store in california. it had this giant candle holder with 50 or so candles in it and a huge pile of dripped wax underneath it. it was so cool when it was lit at night.
ok this was in the back room near some crazy pirate skulls and near a skull with a viking helmet on. around this time the people were telling me not to use a camera so i had to be stealthy and hence no flash so its streaky
so they also dressed up stuffed hens/roosters in fancy clothes. they were everywhere. crazy? yes. because they had red eyes at times and it was worrisome.