Nov 18, 2010 13:51
i'm supposed to be washing my clothes.
and packing.
and running errands.
instead i am spending time with music.
we hardly know eachother anymore.
i need more hours in this day.
i guess staying awake till 5:30 didn't help.
the life of a vampire is hard.
mormons are so funny.
all it takes is stepping into a building once and suddenly you're getting all kinds of calls, and friend requests, and a welcome wagon, and personal invites to a different activity every day of the week.
all i really wanted was to go to sacrament meeting.
but i haven't said no to anything yet.
point mormons.
but i'm glad to be leaving the state for a little.
if only to get a break.
and to soak up nic tarbet.
and my neices.
and whitley. of course whitley.
i guess people are legitimately starting to wonder about her and i.
seriously people? seriously?
i would love a new sewing machine.
the won i have is eating up my fabric.
but i need to make things.
the world need more stuffed dinosoars and sock reindeers and black apple dolls.
i need to stop procrastinating.