votes for today, 24. September 2006
Swiss Confederation
1. Citizens Initiative "National Bank profits for the national pension fund"
The intent of the initiative is to direct parts of the yearly profits of the Swiss National Bank (Federal Reserve Bank) to the mandatory national state pension fund. The national state pension fund exists since 1948 and guarantees a certain minimum monthly pension payments for all citizens beyond pension age. Because of the ageing of the population, the fund will need more funds or a different system in the next years. The opponents of the initiative claim that the independence of the National Bank which is responsible for the stability of the Swiss Frank should not be touched and also that this initiative will not solve the basic problems of the pension fund.
2. Referendum on the new Federal Law on Foreigners
The new law which has been passed in parliament should replace the one from 1931 and provide progresses in the areas of integration of foreigners, easier change of jobs between the states (Cantons) of Switzerland for foreigners and more efficient measures against abuses of the law like fake marriages, black market work and illegal immigration. A group of citizens has launched a referendum against the law because it is in their eyes will be discriminating as the difference in the treatment of foreigners from EU-countries versus those from other countries is increasing.
3. Referendum on the change of the Asylum Law
The changes to the Asylum Law that have been adopted by the two parliament chambers mostly try to give the migration offices more possibilities to fight abuses of the law. As an example, it demands from asylum seekers for a normal processing of their application official identity documents like passport or identity card. Applicants without official identity documents can also get asylum, but their cases will be treated individually - not by the normal bureaucratic processes. A committee of citizens opposes these changes with a referendum as they fear it can lead to some asylum seekers unrightfully be denied asylum.
City of Zurich
1. Credit of 39,8 million Swiss Franks (1 USD=1.2 CHF, 1 EUR=1.6 CHF) as a contribution of the city to the "overroofing" of the highway in its city-district of Schwamendingen
The idea is to re-unite the district which has been cut through by the highway built in the beginning of the 80-ies and to save the district population from the noise. The vote is on the share from the City budget - the Canton and the Federation will also have to still decide on their share. Here is how it will look like:
http://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/internet/taz/h...amendingen.html 2. Creation plan with environmental compatibility check for a property owned by the Swiss Federal Railways close to the main railway station in the center of Zurich.
The creation plan has to be passed by public vote because a group of citizens have successfully organised enough signatures for a referendum. They critisize that the framework is not visionary enough and will lead to a steep rise of property and rent prices in the area. They also critisize the traffic concept, not enough free space between the buildings and also they would like to see a higher percentage of flats in relation to commercial property use.
Here is a model of the area:
http://mct.sbb.ch/mct/immobilien/immobilie...e_stadtraum.htm - - - - -
Imagine you could have decided on the above-mentioned issues in your own country / state / municipality.
-> what is your opinion on the issues that were up for vote?
-> how would you have decided, YES or NO?
-> And why?