Aug 01, 2012 01:49
Since neither Wikipedia nor the Yugioh Wiki bother telling you the difference between the Abridged characters personalities from the show.
Yugi: A greedy little smartass who makes fun of his friends & family every bit as hard as he makes fun of his enemies. He has a knack for noticing inconsistencies & always points them out, as well as reminding people about past failures. One of the few straight characters, though he constantly ignores Tea's & Mai's advances & makes fun of their skankiness. His true love seems to be the game, even though he makes meta jokes about how everything annoyingly revolves around card games.
Yami: Like Yugi, he likes to point out inconsistencies, past failures, & make fun of people, but he doesn't make fun of his friends as harshly or as often as Yugi, preferring to dish it out on rivals. Unlike Yugi, he's gay & openly so, even though he never flirts with anyone.
Tea: A very hormonal boychaser & a total creeper. She spends most of her time lusting after Yami & Yugi without preference, but she also has a thing for Merik & Duke Devlin. She likes to give long boring speeches about friendship. She wants to be a table dancer at a strip joint. She likes to make fun of Bakura, Tristan, & especially Mai.
Joey: He thinks of himself as a good brother, but he's a terrible brother with a very selective & forgetful memory. One minute he'll have good intentions to do something noble & the next minute...fuck it. He makes fun of Bakura & sometimes Tristan, but never makes fun of Yugi, even though Yugi constantly tricks him out of cards & points out that he's not a good gamer. He has a bad habit of being the ram who looked before he leaped. He's bisexual, having a thing for Mai Valentine's breast (& only her breasts), a hinted secret relationship with Honda, & a regular naughty dreams about Kaiba.
Serenity: All she wants is her vision back & to bond with her neglectful brother who makes fun of her voice. She finds herself in an awkward love triangle with Tristan & Duke Devlin, akward because Tristan with occasionally flirt with Devlin & because Devlin doesn't believe in committing to a single love interest.
Tristan: Group idiot. He enjoys making fun of Bakura. It's never pointed out, but he's the only one in the group who's never played a card game. He's sexually confused; lusting after serenity but has sexual tension with her brother Joey & Duke Devlin, whom is his rival for Serenity.
Mai: Token cheesecake character & pedophile, hitting on boys 10 years younger than herself. No one sees her, they only see her breasts, but she's quite proud of them & insists they're real, though no one believes her. She's a terrible duelist & gives up easily.
Bakura: Though a thinly veiled villain, no one seems to notice; all anyone notices about him is that he's very British. He tags along & no one wants him around & they constantly insult him when he's out of earshot. Everyone thinks he's flaming gay, though he insists he's not & flirts with Tea.
Florence: Usually he just stands there looking evil, observing things & making threats. He dumped a demon named Zork to date Merik, even though they have a thoroughly unromantic relationship; constantly bitching at, disagreeing with, & making fun of eachother.
Grampa: Forgetful old man with a less than friendly relationship with his grandson. Often times he serves as the hideous damsel in distress. Yugi saves him, even though he's patiently waiting for him to die. He loves a poster of a Black Luster Soldier card.