Nov 19, 2006 20:42
So it's been a Christmas-like day... Kevin and I walked a few blocks west to stand in the cold for what seemed like eternity... watching the Toronto Santa Claus Parade with my parents, my sister and her husband. I think I'd much rather march the parade (which I've done 6 times) than stand there and watched the damned thing. Kevin and I have decided that our children will be watching the parade on TV because it's ridiculous to try watching it in person. We had a nice lunch with everyone on a heated patio... which was the toastiest thing since toast. Then we parted ways... alas. I think we'd had enough family time at that point anyways.
Now... I had my heart set on getting a Christmas tree. I live in a teensy weensy apartment so I just wanted a small artificial one. And I thought since Kev was around this weekend he could help me carry one home from Canadian Tire. My original intention was just to buy the thing... but then Kevin and I picked one out (since we'll hopefully be living together soon so this is his tree too for the next few years)... and then we got excited that it was our first Christmas tree. We got all kinds of lights and ornaments etc. The excitement led to putting the tree up and decorating it on November 19th. Um... not exactly Christmas-time... but um... whatever. Shut up. Then of course you can't trim the tree without Christmas music... so there we were with Christmas music. And now Kev's gone back to Burlington, I'm sitting here alone with the Christmas tree all done up... listening to stupid Christmas music and going... DUDE! It's not even December yet!!! I am such a loser.