New Life

Sep 17, 2006 23:41

So of course the first thing I did once I moved into my new place in Toronto was to have the head cold from hell. Fantastic, especially when I had training for my new job the first day I was here. I forget a lot of what I learned that day and I'm having to relearn it as I go. I'm finally getting over the damned thing, having gone through training, orientation for my new program, the first week of classes and incredibly sick. It was horrible.

But now I have time to enjoy my life, and I'm glad that I got over the plague before Kevin came to visit me this weekend. We just kind of hung out around my apartment... which is so fantastically home to me now. I loves it so. It's small... but I think I've done a pretty good job of fitting my life into it... and it's clean... so clean I can eat off my kitchen counter and *gasp!* take a bath in my tub. Love it. I'm not even lonely here. Mostly loving being on my own. Having control over my own life.

I'm really excited about my program too. So far the course workload is pretty heavy. It's not difficult... just time-consuming. And I'm getting involved too. I joined a group called YPFIS (Young People @ Faculty of Information Studies), which is a group for MISt students who are interested in pursuing a career working with young people (kids to young adults). We're still in the planning stages, trying to figure out what exactly we'll do and how we'll define ourselves, but it sounds like a great opportunity in many ways. We're setting up guest speakers from literacy programs around the city and with the TPL, and we'll be going on field trips and possibly having a children's lit. book club.

My job at the Inforum is pretty great so far. I've only worked 2 shifts, but so far so good. It hasn't really gotten busy yet so I can basically do my reading at work. I shelve, sign out books, answer reference and circulation questions, and close up at the end of the night. Not so different from the work that I've been doing for years. It's just a matter of being flexible enough to adapt to some very different ways of doing things.

There is always sad news though. My dog, Libby, has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma. Originally they thought it was leukemia, so at least this diagnosis is less grim, but she's going to go steadily downhill from here. She's generally unwell, which is really sad because she used to be such a happy dog. She seems to have lost interest in life a lot of the time. She spends most of her life sleeping and recently doesn't want to eat. I just hope she doesn't suffer and that my parents will know when it's time to take her to the vet and end things. They were actually considering chemotherapy for her, which blew my mind because the way I see it, she wouldn't even be aware of what was wrong with her. She would only know that she was suffering. I think that people who put their pets through that are really just doing it for themselves, not for the good of their pets. She's an old dog anyways, so I figure, if it's her time... it's her time.

So... now that I've become depressing, I think I'll stop writing a book and go watch some CSI. I'm going to try posting on here more often. Maybe I'll have something to add tomorrow evening while I'm bored at work. Be excited...
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