Aarukh - the third mystical bird of Ancient Kuzhebar

Dec 18, 2012 19:58

Aarukh - the third magical bird of ancinet Kuzhebar, the bird of wisdom and omniscience. It is usually depicted with multiple wings, legs and eyes, carrying the fate of human beings in one claw and their vitality in another.

"Aarukh Bird",  Julia Surba 2012
pyrography on pine wood  with carvedd elements,
diameter 58 cm

According to the old Kuzhebarian tales, Aarukh brings about transformation through the process of a special rite of passage, which can often be painful and unpleasant. The meeting with Aarukh can be very dangerous, but it can also be rewarding, bringing treasured inner gifts. To obtain them - one must look directly in the Aarukh´s eyes. What happens next is determined by which ones of the Aarukh’s many eyes are open at the moment of meeting, as it is the bird’s eyes that predetermine the challenges one must complete. Some are unable to withstand the stare of Aarukh, and are absorbed by the bird through her eyes.

Those who came through all the challenges were expelled by Aarukh through the special opening on its head. These people were now considered re-born and transformed. They were given a gift by Aarukh - a guardian spirit called Shu-khur (Shu - inner, Khur - guide), and a new name.

Ancient Kuzhebarians believe that it was impossible to be connected with the bird of wisdom in any known way, because wisdom cannot be external, it is the result of inner metamorphosis of the human being. This is why Aarukh is pictured without the symbols that indicate this connection, seen on the images of the other two magical birds.

Special thank to Anna Maughan for text translation into English
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