This week's Merlin totally blew me away. It had its usual baddie scheming, tournaments, fight scenes, and Merlin trying to save the day, but the emotional interplay was taken to a whole new level. It's one of the few times that Merlin wasn't able to save the day and it didn't have a happy ending filled with hidden promises all wrapped up
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I had considered doing a post myself just so much this ep had to offer. I totally agree that the acting by all was outstanding and Bradley as a man in love and feeling betrayed was awesome. When he says to Gwen:
"We were happy, right? Weren't we happy?" his heartfelt confusion and hurt was so real.
And when Gwen states:"...I've waited for you for years" Arthur: "You just had to wait 1 more day."
I wanted to cry.
His telling Gwen, "They want me to kill you but I don't want you dead, I just don't want to see you."
Then he banishes her, it was the hardest thing he could do but it was the only thing he could do to protect himself emotionally and still be seen as a strong King. I think he was still considering Gwen's welfare also. I choose to believe that given the choice of having her have the chance to live and it not be Camelot or die he wanted the first. As he told Merlin in that scene in the throne room he loved Gwen with all his heart, trust was the issue as both a man and a King.
Her Gwen this week was top notch. Angel is such a wonderful actress able to draw on her feelings so freely her confusion, shock and disbelief. And these things were not as much as for the situation she was in but in *herself*. She trully does not understand when and how everything went wrong just that it is *wrong* and she is the reason for the wrongness. As Gauis says Gwen pays the price of the deception and in more ways than one.
I like the way they took this part of the legend and didn't make Gwen out to be a willful adultress but a guileless player in a game she had no idea she was a part of. Actually her be blameless is so much more acute due to her lack of duplcity.
And that brings me to Colin.
Plays Merlin so well in this piece. His range of emotion was so diverse and real from the joy of having knowing his friends were going to finally come together to the sadness of lossing not one but *two* very dear ones.
Much has been said about how Merlin reacted to Gwen's leaving. The fact that he did not approach her as she was leaving and that he too felt she had failed Arthur in some way. I read all this before viewing the ep myself, but I have to disagree with those views since seeing it. If anything Merlin showed his love and support in the only way he could that day, by being there. What could he say? what could he do? In reality...nothing but I think Gwen knew by his being there he was saying 'I'm still your friend, I still believe in you that has not changed'. JMO
That last scene as he sends his other friend off after he hears those last words from Lancelot was beyond touching. Colin has made this character such a joy to watch!
As for SC: His protrayal of the shade was all that you said. The real Lancelot was a passionate man even though he was meek. Even his speech to the Knights about what happened to him was off kiter and when he gave the toast that seem even odd to me. We see the *true* Lancelot before he is sent off by Merlin. When he looks at Merlin and says 'Thank you, Merlin' SG brings so much emotion to just those 3 words. To me his was thanking Merlin was what he knew he had done and what he knew he would do...make things right all around.
All this is of couse...JMO
Now that you mention it, it is a form of protection to send Gwen away. Even her own brother had a scowl for her. As hard as it is, Gwen and Arthur need time apart to lick their wounds and grow stronger as individuals. I think it will make them that much more amazing as a couple when they get back together.
her confusion, shock and disbelief. And these things were not as much as for the situation she was in but in *herself*.
Excellent point. I'm really hoping for a Gwen/Morgana confrontation where Gwen has figured out what Morgana did to her. I really want to see Gwen get mad!
I think Gwen knew by his being there he was saying 'I'm still your friend, I still believe in you that has not changed
I was so absorbed by A/G/L that I forgot to mention Merlin! Yes, he was excellent in this episode. I really enjoyed his last scene with Arthur. I think the way he tries to make a case for Guinevere is proof of your comment. I totally agree. Merlin is there to support her despite knowing that what she did was wrong and painful.
The principle thing that I love about that scene is that Merlin is once again showing and telling Arthur that he doesn't like or trust Agravaine. Merlin truly hates Agravaine, as much as Merlin is capable of hate. Merlin felt that way about Morgana as a spy, too, but Arthur was oblivious. This time, Arthur will know Merlin was right.
When he looks at Merlin and says 'Thank you, Merlin' SG brings so much emotion to just those 3 words.
So true. The way that Santiago Cabrera said them, the very essence of the real Sir Lancelot was expressed in those three words.
I see so much to enjoy in this episode - everyone brought their A game. I'll take some heartache if it comes inthe form of one of Merlin's best episodes yet.
You and lika_mikala said everyting I thought, and wanted to say, and didn't say... and everything in between.
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