Best brownie recipe.....

Oct 20, 2021 18:01

amethyst_witch wanted a great recipe for brownies made from scratch.

These are so good though I apologize for the name of the recipe.

Recipe under the cut
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happy woodsday, recipe

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Comments 10

amethyst_witch October 21 2021, 10:26:10 UTC
*LOL* omg, the name of them! Hahaha! I'm still gonna make 'em!! ;D

This is seriously great, thank you so much! :)


lijahlover October 21 2021, 19:39:43 UTC
You are most welcome 😊


shirebound October 21 2021, 11:07:35 UTC
I want a brownie. Right now.


lijahlover October 21 2021, 19:40:35 UTC
They do sound good always.😊


spikesgirl58 October 21 2021, 12:46:20 UTC
It's nice to know he had a soft spot for something.


lijahlover October 21 2021, 19:41:02 UTC
I know right?


silvan_lady October 21 2021, 15:30:28 UTC
What is C. flour please?

Over here we have plain flour and self-raising flour, but I don't recognise C. flour. My son loves brownies so I might make some for the next time he comes to visit.


lijahlover October 21 2021, 18:09:39 UTC
1 and a fourth cup flour

All the C's are cup.


silvan_lady October 21 2021, 18:18:37 UTC
Ah ok! I see now. I have a chart for cups to grams somewhere so that will be easy to convert. I thought C. sugar was caster sugar - LOL! Thanks for the update. I'm pretty sure I have chocolate chips in the cupboard so I may try this over the weekend.


lijahlover October 21 2021, 19:41:40 UTC
Let me know what you think 🙂


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