Happy Caturday 🐱

Oct 05, 2019 21:42

Time for ....

banner by capitu

Title: A Multitude of Sins
Word Count:40k
Warnings:Non-Magic AU, First person POV, Angst, Alcoholism, Self Harm, torture, Minor Character death(Not Harry or Draco), Heresy and breaking religious vows.
Summary Peter:4:8-Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Why I loved it: This was a story written for the hd_hurtfest and I usually shy away from those stories since I'm such a whimp. This was one of the best stories I think I have ever read and it tugged at my heartstrings so beautifully.

Draco was broken and lonely dealing with a painful divorce and alcoholism. This Draco broke my heart and I found myself falling for him. Harry was a priest struggling with his love for the church and his growing feelings for Draco. I could feel all his pain and anguish as he tried to do what he knew he had to do. The church was safe and there for him while he was growing up. I could understand why Harry did what he was doing, yet he couldn't deny his love for Draco.

The plot moves along at such a perfect pace, the character development and UST is so believable. This fic had a way of pulling you into it with a strong feeling of hope, joy and pain. They were full of past disappointments and struggles, yet you wanted them to reach for a life together. The side characters were wonderful and she fit in so many little details to cannon. The flirting and making love was *deliciously sexy*

The ending was all things lovely and touching. It was ambiguous and yet a little hopeful which is why I can rec it to others and tell you to read it... I will have to read it again myself.

I really have a hard time finding the right words to describe this story it's just so painfully beautiful. It actually made me feel so many feels when I read about her Harry and Draco. This made me laugh and cry, yet filled me with so much hope.

rectober, harry/draco, rec, fic, happy saturday, good night

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