Unbelievable Drarry artwork

Nov 13, 2016 13:01

This was picked up from one of my hd_fanart prompts and it is exquisite; such a lush and glorious scene. I am in love with this so much. oldenuf2nb out did herself with each and every line.

Wedding Night By Candlelight">

Explicit so nsfw but so beautiful,kissing with some hair pulling *rawr*


Making love in the light of floating candles.

I am in awe with what she captured with my prompt. It is such lovely lines and shading gives it a sensual, soft, warm, loving feel. Their hands, hair and cheekbones are perfect. I adore how you can see both of their wedding rings. Harry has such sexy scruff mmmmmmmmm *yummy*

She has them naked but placed in a way that leaves some things to the imagination which I do prefer. I loooooove how sexy they both look(Such perfect chests and nipples). I also just love the floating candles giving it a soft glow and how she shaded in Harry's rib cage. This is such a tender scene it is just exquisite. My words can hardly do this justice so please check it out and leave lots of praise.

This prompt got picked up last year then dropped. I am so happy I decided to re post it this year.

harry/draco, art drawn for me, squeeeeeee, happy november, nablopomo

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