Rectober-I bring you something fluffy and funny :)

Oct 22, 2014 21:38

Title:Single Wizard Seeking Same
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count:16,481
Rating: R for adult language and situations
Summary: Lovelorn Draco has been secretly pining for Harry for months. He's finally forced into action when ex-boyfriend Blaise shows up. A gift!fic for Prof. McKitten starring an awkward, smitten Draco and a cameo by Harry's chest monster.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Warnings: Oh, the fluff! The fluffy-wuffy fluff! Like being snuggled to death by a bunch of baby bunnies. Also warnings for clichés, possible OOCness and sex.

Why I loved it:

The way she wrote both Harry and Draco were perfect just brilliant. They were both clueless,lovelorn for each other and blind about how the other man felt. Draco calls on all his Slytherin cunning to snag one sexy Harry Potter and make him his yet he has fierce competition with the super sexy model ex lover Blaise and he wants to shag the golden boy as well.

When they go to the dance club were they have to dress up Muggle is one of my favorite parts. All jaws drop when Draco shows up looking like a super hot wet dream in jeans and a tight shirt. *Pants* along with Harry at that vision.

I have read this before but it is a must re-read if you have read it before I chuckled many times at how funny this story and characters are. I loved each and every word.

rectober, harry/draco, squeeeeeee, rec

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