Private Journal Entry

May 26, 2003 23:09

So it's been an interesting year. Wasn't too sure how good things would be after Dom and I broke up before Christmas but I've been pleasantly surprised. The split went as well as could be expected, but in the end I think we both realized that we made far better friends than lovers. It was hard the first couple of weeks, especially after being together for so long, but I know now we're both glad that it happened when it did. Our friendship has survived intact, something I am eternally grateful for.

I finished work on The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in early spring and am reading some scripts now. I'm really interested in looking into doing some theatre work though. I've never been on stage before and would really like to experience it. I think I'm going to talk to Ian about it while I'm down here, see what he says.

It's good to be back in New Zealand for reshoots, but it's also bittersweet at the same time. I can't believe that this is the last time I'm going to be playing Frodo. It seems like yesterday that we all just arrived and were starting out on this grand adventure together... and now it's coming to an end. I still can't believe it. But I know in my heart that these people will be with me always, for the rest of my life. They are my family now, and so very much more.

It's good to be back.
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