Bored Outta My mind and Piss

Dec 16, 2005 21:44

Well today Started off good we didn't haev any school so that freed me up for the day. Well now i kinda wish we had school cause as soon as i got on the internet i read abotu someone i like liking someone else and that just ruined my day so now im pissed about that but i really don't want to talk about it on here i believe i will keep the details to myself. But me and dustin decided to go lift weights today which was a realyl good idea sence Josh and Aaron and Jamie were also down there lifting and we got a hell of a work out in our arms i can hardly move them now and its about tiem i got a good work out. On to other things i don't know about going to the dance tommorow with Mary things aren't going to good and well i don't want me and her to have a bad time which is the way things are looking right now and plus Josh Wallace is getting his first tattoo tommorow and he wants me and jaime and aaron to go with him to help him pick it out and be there to watch it and i told him i would go with him a long time ago so im stuck in between a rock and a hard place right now which really sucks but i know i will figure out what im going to do by tommorow. And tonight im going to the basketball game we play grundy at home so i can;t wait to wathc us kick some grundy ass tonight GO tigers. Well im outta Here peace
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