(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 17:22

i forgot these things have titles. i find the titles to be a hindrance, i mean youre not supposed to classify your ideas or organize your mind your brain isn't supposed to be filed accordingly it justs limits my writing capacity even more. anywho i thought it would be a sufficient time to update since its been a while, but i dont have anything to say. although i dont quite understand stress. there are so many sources of stress and people just pressure you more its ridiculous. and school and parents are the sources of all my stress. im way to laid back to be healthy. nextahly, sometimes i cant help being a bitch. like i know i tick people off often, its quite obvious and its even more obvious when the the other person is obvious about it and i just lost myself there let me recollect for a moment. ah here we go. so yes. i dont know why i give off this vibe. its such a negative vibe. and its not like im negative all the time and thats the message i send out, its the vibe of shes so weird and annoying and lets walk on her because she has no feelings, right?. right. well wrong. except then i just get really rude towards the person. is any of this making sense? im sort of writing this with one person in mind, maybe a couple or maybe like a ceratin situation and im confusing myself and it probably makes no sense to you so im going to stop. im the queen of starting awkward moments and silences and silencesafterabadstory silences. im just so talented at being stupid. and all this time im thinking about independent researc and how it just reminds me of a microcosm of life. its third period and i go there and the day stops, its like recess in elementary school, where there was always room for petty arguments and rivalry and sometimes the occassional bit of fun here and there. its like that. i like new people, almost as much as the old. dont you just love my excellent transitions. just peachy. i dont understand why people make it a point to discuss when they get drunk and such its just so stupid. its degrading, and makes you look unintelligent and its so uncivil and unescessary. keep the thoughts that no one wishes to hear to yourself, please. well at least things like that. congrats to all those fine musical personels:kelly, alison, emily, claire, aj, etc. etc. marcy should so take up singing did anyone else feel oddly cold today.? and that was the most pointless entry of my life. the end. i just want to say his name. no wait i already said the end. scratch that. oh yeah and i hate it when you feel special and you say something becasue it means a lot to you but person B just has to shut you down. totally uncalled for. thats not referring to a specific event by the way it was just a thing. thats right a thing. my the end's never end anything. comment?
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