one day im going to crack completely. one day. i wrote some private
journal entries like in streams of consciousness and wow they are so
different from other entries//what i couldnt put into words i sort of
did. thats why i always wished i kept a diary so like 20 years from now
i could just read about myself and it would help in the future. i have
a lot of regrets. good thing i dont dwell on those liek an idiot.
well since im in a nostalgic mood im going to post up an old survey i
filled out and then im going to take it again and compare my answers to
the old one. you can compare also if you have the time!
What's your first name? kalyaniMiddle name? dont have oneNicknames?
kaly, bob the stalker, LCP, q, jq, g, potato stalker, plastic, hottie1,
hottiepants, the hottness...yea more i dont why people give me these
namesZodiac Sign? ari3sGender? chickkyBirthday and age? April 17. 1990:
14 Where do you live? ellicott cityDo you have a boy/girlfriend?
mm hmmIf so what's her/his name? joshHave you ever been in love?
noWhat's your favourite colour? black Sibling(s) (names/ages)? mahesh
16 sreenath 19Right Handed or Left Handed: rightHair Length: past my
shoulderLight/Tan/Dark: um darkishSmall/Medium/Large Eyes: uh
medium largeish? i dont judge them in my spare time Do you
have any piercing, or want any? my ears..but i want 2 more in
them Do you have a tattoo or want one? i kinda want one laterWhere
do you shop at the most? weather vane, aero, forever 21,
sungis favorite store rave haha...yea any place thats
good What colour is your hair? black, RED TINTS BECAUSE OF HENNA U
MOFOS WHO ARE BLINDWhat colour are your eyes? dark brown How tall
are you? 5'6" or 5'7"What kind of music do you like? everything
except jazz and country Who are your best friends? i dont know who
my best is...but good friends are sangeetha sonya kelly lida
and JEN Who are your friends online? a lot of people are on
right nowWho could you tell almost anything to? hm i dont know i dont
spill too much, especially recentlyDo you like to shop? yep What
are you most scared of? i dont know..being a failure? What is your
favorite animal? elephantFavorite music video: my band.d12 its funnnyyy
hahaHow many phones do you have in your house? 12 or maybe 11 but yea
thatHow many TV's do you have in your house? 3 What are your favorite
foods? i love food i can eat evrything but i dont eat too much cause if
i get started WOOOO hahahaDo
you look like anyone famous? no. except crazy elizabeth when were at
claires said i looked like brittany murphy...cept im not whiteDo you
believe in ghosts? hmm maybeDo you think Brad Pitt is attractive? yea,
but tehre are hotter Who
is the most attractive person you know? jo..................that guy
from chasing liberty i dont remember his name hes really hot tho haha
Are you a virgin? yesmWhat are you listening to right now? nirvana and
the tv and my moms crazy friends laughing really loudWho are you
talking to right now? deepa vince kat and lida What time
is it? 5:22What's your favourite candy? a lot Whats
your favorite saying or quote? a lot but one that i just came across
was "saying nothing doesnt mean u have nothing to say" Do you have
your own phone line? noHave you ever kissed someone of the opposite
sex? yesFavorite shoes? i like flip flopsWhat's your favorite drink?
mango vanilla floatsWhat's your favorite soda? I LOVE SODAWhat things
do you say a lot? fuck up fruit shizzles weird things like thatWhat
kind of car do you have or what is your favorite car? i dunno i just
want a car and then ill start to dreamWho is the coolest person in the
world? john peter lewis hes my boyfriendd!!!! Do you think
you're weird or funny? weird some people like deepa say im funnyWhat
stores do you shop at? didnt they just ask this questionFor Girls:
Thong or Bikini? when ur swimming... a bikini, not a thong stupid no
one wants to see your ugly assFor Boys: Boxers or Briefs?-- Who was the
last person you talked to on the phone? 3-wayed with lida and
angeli a couple hours ago Where do you wanna get married?
india If
you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? i want to
be pretty. thats another thing that made me really mad today. Have
you ever tried to kill yourself? no.Do you enjoy filling all this stuff
out? hm its pretty entertaining because it makes u think about
urselfWhat is your favorite fast food restaurant? taco bell kfc yea
arbys too Favorite chips: uh chips and salsa, sour cream and
onion, salt and vinegarDo you have a pool? noDo you have a spa?
noWhat's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes
smile hands...and then everything else i check out after that What
are you addicted to? a lot of thingsDo you like jewelry? YESWho do you
wish you were? i guess im stuck being me so ill just deal Who
has it easier, guys or girls? guysWhat is the last thing you downloaded
onto your computer? uh david's prom picture yesterday What’s your
favorite restaurant? don pablos, olive garden, china legendLast time
you swam in a pool? last summerHave you ever been in a school
play? yepType of music you dislike most? country and jazzAre you
registered to vote? noDo you have cable? yepHave you ever ridden on a
moped? yep and drove it do fun fun Ever prank call anybody?
YUPPPPPPPPP AHAHAHAHAEver get a parking ticket? nopeWould you go bungee
jumping or sky diving? yup Furthest place you ever traveled?
indiaDo you have a garden? yupWhat’s your favorite comic strip? calvin
and hobbes i dont read too many comics tho Do you really know all
the words to your national anthem? yup Have you ever smoked peanut
shells? nopeHave you ever been in a beauty pageant? once
again, i need to be pretty to do thatOrange Juice or apple? hm bothDo
you know how to pump your own gas? yupEver order an article from an
infomercial? no but ive always been tempted to god i love
infomercialsHave you ever had to wear a uniform to work?uh dont
work Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? i dunnoEver thrown up in
public? nopeCan ex’s be friends? of courseWho was the last person
you visited in a Hospital? one of my dad's patientsDid
you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? HAHA YESS it was really
straight and it used to stand up like a porcupine and my mom and
grandmother always tried to put stuff in it to make it stay down but it
wouldnt and i had like a freaking mohawk when i was a baby it was so
weirdWhat message is on your answering machine? the default thing
think it used to be me when i was little and it sounded cute but then
someone accidentally delted it and we're too lazy to record another
oneWhat’s your all time favorite Saturday Night Live skit or character?
hmm i dont know What was the name of your first pet? speedy
gonzalez or bubba...the fishhhys What is in your wallet? the
wallet i lost...student id house key and 25 bucks : (Favorite thing to
do before bedtime? um i pray before isleep and then i
contemplate lifeWhat is one thing you are grateful for today? uh having
a good life i guess What
is the first concert you ever went to? the first first first was a
preschool choir thingy play i dont know wth it was but yup that was
indeed the FIRSTDo you sneak out of the house at night? not yetDo you
get along with your mom? usually sometimesWould you rather be short or
tall? tallDo you like to dance? yepAre you online a lot? sorta, more
with an away message thoDo you like playing pranks on people? haha
yeaWhat's the stupidest thing you have ever done? im stupid eveyrhting
i do is stupid What's your favorite subject in school? p.e. haha
um math, bio, spanish How many people are on your buddy list?
200Are you sick of those damn porno's in your e-mail box?
dammit yes. haha i dont view porn fuckers What college do you
wanna go to? im too dumb to get into collegeWhat school do you go to?
chsHow many rooms does your house have? 5Do you like playstation? yupDo
you have your license? nopeDo you sleep a lot? in the middleWhat
are your fave radio stations? 99.1:: 99.5:: 95.5::101.1:: yea and then
i just browse on like 96.3 and 98.5 etc. if theres nothing good on
those Are you a night or morning person? um mroning and late nite
What are your favorite web sites? i dunnoCan you define love? caring
for someoneWhats your favorite TV channel? vh1 comedy central mtv fox
stuff like thatWho's your favorite teacher? laurence i guessHow often
do you shower? once or twice a dayDo you get along with your parents?
sorta i guessAre you rich or poor or in the middle? middleWhat do you
wanna be when you're out of college? med school .Are you ticklish?
giggle yesWhat's your favorite flower? nagmanis...they dont have them
in america but they r sooooo pretty and i like peoniesWhat are you
wearing right now? jeans n a tshirtHow many kids do you wanna
have? 2 or 3Do you believe in God? yesDo
you like to watch public displays of affection? yea and i like to video
tape it too and watch it over and over and over again at home and all
through the night.....((no)) Do you like bananas? yep theyre
okWhat color tooth brush do you use? pinkHow many times a day do you
brush your teeth? 2 or 3 Who is your favourite cartoon
character? stewie from family guyDo you have a job? noWhat's your
favourite fruit? white nectarines are good What's your favourite
vegetable? potatos, i like vegetables anything is goodWhat was the best
day of your life? hm eveyrday is good enough for meWhat are you going
to do today? homeworkAre you momma's little angel or daddy's little
princess? satans little devilDo you wear body spray? yupDo you like
guys with facial hair? dont really care but not really Do you
have AOL 4.0? noAre you wearing nail polish now? yea Favorite
brand name: i dunnoHow
many rings or necklaces do u own? rings:: im wearing 10 because the
11th broke : ( and i own more that i dont wear, and necklaces i donte
ven wanna count i have a lot Do you wear a watch?
ocassionallyWhat's your favorite toothpaste and mouthwash? crest extra
whitening, listerineDid/Do you have braces? noAre you tired? sortaDo
you have any scars? yeaHave you ever cried over
someone? no Do you like lollipops? yeaWhat are you thinking
of right now? all the hw i have to finishAre you a slut? noHow many
buddies do you have online right now? 77What's your most cherished
memory? manyMost disgusting habit: hm i dunnoWho makes you laugh a lot?
dave chappelleHow many pillows do you sleep with? 3What's the weirdest
nightmare you've ever had? a lot Who of your friends do you think
will get married first? kelly What's your worst memory as a
little kid? a lotDo you believe in magic? miracles Who's
the one person you care about most in the world? my mom i dont
know why
maybe its because if it wasnt for her i wouldnt be aliveWhat's the one
moment in your life that was the scariest? a lot If you could,
what would you rename yourself? i hate my name anyhting is
betterDescribe yourself in one word: differentDo you wish you
were closer to someone? chinmaya mission peopleFavorite shampoo and
conditioner: thermasilk?Favorite way to do your hair: down and
straightDo you smoke? noDo you like to eat skittles?yees Do you do
drugs? noDo you sing in the shower? ocassionally sorta maybeAre you a
vegetarian? noRoad Rules or Real World? real world, but dont really
like either Do you wear makeup? yeaIf you were an animal, what
kind would you be? i would like to be an
elephant Favorite hat: dont like hatsDo you like to sing?
yepWhat would you do with a million dollars? buy a lot of stuff, give
some away, but mostly buy a lot of stuff Future husband or
wife: im already married to eminem Do you collect
anything? uh not particularly..bangles?Person you don't trust: i
dunnoPerson you have known the longest? ive known a ton of
people since i was born Do you believe in yourself?
sometimesDo you believe in Heaven/Hell? yesDo you have a religion?
yesWhat's the last thing you do before you fall
asleep? dunno Person who knows the most about you: um
friendsAre your parents married or divorced? marriedHow many schools
have you been to? uh preschool elementary middle and high
4Are you passive or aggresive? assertive :)Do you have a pager/cell
phone? noDo you play any musical instruments? piano..used to play the
violin, can sorta play the veena Have
you ever made a person of the opposite sex cry? haha yea but not
because i dumped them or sumthing like punching my cousin or making fun
of them lol Have you ever eaten raw fish? noHave you ever
stayed up all night and not gone to bed until the next night?
yup Which of your friends is the best at keeping secrets? hm none
Favorite ice cream: a lotWhich one of your friends is slipping
away? lori, stephanie k, emily r. Why are they slipping
away? different schoolsHave you ever moved? noWhat
do you like to do with your spare time? hang out, talk, eat, walk
around aimlessly with other burleighers outside haha and i guess right
now filling out this quiz thingg
What's your first name? kalyaniMiddle name? dont have oneNicknames? no
one uses them anymore///everything about them is long forgottenZodiac
Sign? aariesGender? femaleBirthday and age? April 17. 1990:
14 Where do you live? ellicott cityDo you have a boy/girlfriend?
noIf so what's her/his name? hottstuffHave you ever been in love?
noWhat's your favourite colour? black Sibling(s) (names/ages)? mahesh
16 sreenath 19Right Handed or Left Handed: rightHair Length: i think
its almost half way to my back nowLight/Tan/Dark: im darkish/tannish.
lighter in the morning than i am at night..a drastic
differenceSmall/Medium/Large Eyes: medium largeDo you have any
piercing, or want any? iears, i want two more in eachDo you have a
tattoo or want one? want one laterWhere do you shop at the most? any
place in the mallWhat colour is your hair? black and red tints so sort
of dark brownish here and thereWhat colour are your eyes? dark
brown How tall are you? 5'7" i think nowWhat kind of music do you
like? old stuff, mostly eveyrthing cept jass and country. and religious
indian music Who are your best friends? n/a Who are your friends
online? the people on my buddy list i dont feel like maximizing itWho
could you tell almost anything to? i dont tell anyone almost anythingDo
you like to shop? yep What are you most scared of? failing. moths
defiently. hm people holding sharp objects near me. lighting matches.
What is your favorite animal? elephantFavorite music video: ocean
breathes salty by modest mouse is alrightHow many phones do you have in
your house? 11 or 12How many TV's do you have in your house? 3 What are
your favorite foods? dont have one. i like food in generalDo
you look like anyone famous? noDo you believe in ghosts? sort of?Do you
think Brad Pitt is attractive? yes Who
is the most attractive person you know? DT haha there are
many Are you a virgin? yesWhat are you listening to right now?ha a mix
cd from a very very very very very long time ago that my brother burned
when cd burners first came out. i think its like 6 or 7 years oldWho
are you talking to right now? sonyaWhat time is it? 3:05What's your
favourite candy? dont have one my love for candy is very minimalWhats
your favorite saying or quote? have way to many Do you have your own
phone line? noHave you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex?
yesFavorite shoes? i like flip flops and my red adidas sneakers are
niceWhat's your favorite drink? waterWhat's your favorite soda? sprite
if anything What things do you say a lot? ok. what the motherfuck.What
kind of car do you have or what is your favorite car? this is a perfect
time to mention that JANUARY 17 COMMA 2006 IS WHEN I CAN GET MY
PERMITWho is the coolest person in the world? youDo you think you're
weird or funny? thats a relative questionWhat stores do you shop at? i
dont like being repetitive since this question has already been
askedFor Girls: Thong or Bikini? bikiniFor Boys: Boxers or Briefs?-
well i would just like to say guys and boxers go betterWho was the last
person you talked to on the phone? my aunt in indiaWhere do you
wanna get married? india If
you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? more in
touch with myselfHave you ever tried to kill yourself? no.Do you enjoy
filling all this stuff out? not particularlyWhat is your favorite fast
food restaurant? subwayFavorite chips: chips are chips i dont really
careDo you have a pool? noDo you have a spa? noWhat's the first thing
you notice about the opposite sex? the regular...eyes smile hair shoes,
but i always check handsWhat are you addicted to? stalking hot
guys...haha jota kaDo you like jewelry? of courseWho do you wish you
were? me. with minor improvements Who has it easier, guys or girls?
guysWhat is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? ithink i
downloaded sweet dreams by marilyn manson yesterday What’s your
favorite restaurant? don pablos olive garden china legendLast time you
swam in a pool? summerHave you ever been in a school play?
yesType of music you dislike most? country and jazzAre you registered
to vote? noDo you have cable? yesHave you ever ridden on a moped? yes
Ever prank call anybody? if you havent, youre quite deprived. go locate
the nearest phone.Ever get a parking ticket? noWould you go bungee
jumping or sky diving? yes Furthest place you ever traveled? indiaDo
you have a garden? yesWhat’s your favorite comic strip? not a big comic
person Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? yes
Have you ever smoked peanut shells? noHave you ever been in a
beauty pageant? noOrange Juice or apple? orangeDo you know how to pump
your own gas? yesEver order an article from an infomercial? no but i
want to beacuse infomercials are the second best thing on tvHave you
ever had to wear a uniform to work? noLast thing you bought at a
pharmacy? i bought nail polish at rite aid...Ever thrown up in
public? noCan ex’s be friends? yesWho was the last person you
visited in a Hospital? i havent been to the hospital in a long timeDid
you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? yes i still do. except
when i was a baby it was dead straight now its crazy curly.What message
is on your answering machine? the default one. it used to be me but i
dont know what happened to it.What’s your all time favorite Saturday
Night Live skit or character? dunnoWhat was the name of your first pet?
speedy gonzalez and bubba...the fishWhat is in your wallet? the wallet
i lost...student id house key old movie stubs gum wrappers and 25 bucks
: (Favorite thing to do before bedtime? hot shower contemplate life
cook up a dream and pray in between. that rhymed.What is one thing you
are grateful for today? family.What
is the first concert you ever went to? the FIRST=preschool concert
where we were elephants. and we sang about elephants.Do you sneak out
of the house at night? not yetDo you get along with your mom?
ocassionallyWould you rather be short or tall? tallDo you like to
dance? yesAre you online a lot? wiht away messages.Do you like playing
pranks on people? yes. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?
too many things. What's your favorite subject in school? independent
research How many people are on your buddy list? 200Are you sick of
those damn porno's in your e-mail box? dont get any. What college do
you wanna go to? somewhere in NY, local maybe to like BC or something,
or if i can actually go through to going to india...What school do you
go to? chsHow many rooms does your house have? bedrooms...5Do you like
playstation? yesDo you have your license? noDo you sleep a lot? in the
are your fave radio stations? 99.1 101.1 98.5 106.5 99.5 etc. Are
you a night or morning person? morning. or late nightWhat are your
favorite web sites? ebaumsworld Can you define love? noWhats your
favorite TV channel? food network mtv vh1Who's your favorite teacher?
mrs bagleyHow often do you shower? once or twice a dayDo you get along
with your parents? ocassionallyAre you rich or poor or in the middle?
middleWhat do you wanna be when you're out of college? doctor.Are you
ticklish? yesWhat's your favorite flower? a lotWhat are you wearing
right now? chuddidharHow many kids do you wanna have? 2 or 3 i
want a big family so maybe even 4Do you believe in God? yesDo
you like to watch public displays of affection? no Do you like bananas?
sometimesWhat color tooth brush do you use? pinkHow many times a day do
you brush your teeth? 2 or 3 Who is your favourite cartoon
character? stewie from family guyDo you have a job? noWhat's your
favourite fruit? a lot What's your favourite vegetable? a lotWhat was
the best day of your life? dont have oneWhat are you going to do today?
diwali mela for the rrest of the day after thisAre you momma's
little angel or daddy's little princess? ha i wrote satans little devil
the first time?!?!?!Do you wear body spray? yesDo you like guys with
facial hair? depends if they can pull it off Do you have AOL 4.0? noAre
you wearing nail polish now? yes i did a canadian manicure.Favorite
brand name: dunnoHow
many rings or necklaces do u own? im wearing 8 rings but i have some
more i dont wear and i have a lot of necklaces i cant count them allDo
you wear a watch? ocassionallyWhat's your favorite toothpaste and
mouthwash? crest extra whitening, listerineDid/Do you have braces?
noAre you tired? noDo you have any scars? yesHave you ever cried over
someone? no Do you like lollipops? sometimesWhat are you
thinking of right now? how much im slacking in schoolAre you a slut?
noHow many buddies do you have online right now? 71What's your most
cherished memory? a lotMost disgusting habit: i dont think i have
oneWho makes you laugh a lot? marcyHow many pillows do you sleep with?
4What's the weirdest nightmare you've ever had? a lot. dont get me into
my dreams Who of your friends do you think will get married first? dont
knowWhat's your worst memory as a little kid? a lot. dont get me
started on my crazy memory.Do you believe in magic? somewhatWho's
the one person you care about most in the world? i dont
knowWhat's the one moment in your life that was the scariest? a
lot If you could, what would you rename yourself? i wouldnt
because i could never get used to calling myself soemthign else.
although i dont like my nameDescribe yourself in one word:
differentDo you wish you were closer to someone? yes.Favorite shampoo
and conditioner: finesseFavorite way to do your hair: down and
straight. or down wet and curly.Do you smoke? noDo you like to eat
skittles?yesDo you do drugs? noDo you sing in the shower?
ocassionallyAre you a vegetarian? noRoad Rules or Real World? real
world Do you wear makeup? yesIf you were an animal, what kind
would you be? i would like to be an elephant Favorite
hat: dont like hatsDo you like to sing? rarely anymore.What would you
do with a million dollars? buy a lot of stuff, give some away, but
mostly buy a lot of stuff Future husband or wife: im already
married to eminem Do you collect anything? uh not
particularly..bangles?Person you don't trust: i dunnoPerson you have
known the longest? ive known a ton of people since i was
born Do you believe in yourself? sometimesDo you believe in
Heaven/Hell? yesDo you have a religion? yesWhat's the last thing you do
before you fall asleep? the same stuff i said i do before i go to sleep
Person who knows the most about you: no one. but i guess me. and i dont
konw that much about me.Are your parents married or divorced?
marriedHow many schools have you been to? uh preschool elementary
middle and high 4Are you passive or aggresive? assertive
:)Do you have a pager/cell phone? noDo you play any musical
instruments? piano. sort of veena. used to play violinHave
you ever made a person of the opposite sex cry?yes Have you ever eaten
raw fish? noHave you ever stayed up all night and not gone to bed until
the next night? yes Which of your friends is the best at keeping
secrets? none Favorite ice cream: a lotWhich one of your friends
is slipping away? all of them. Why are they slipping away? i dont
knowHave you ever moved? noWhat
do you like to do with your spare time? do my nails.or just lock myself
in my room and do something.