Nov 29, 2005 21:04
ughhg well sorry its been so long since Ive updated.
I kind of made it..and then forgot about it..
but anyways things are getting better here I guess..
you know its all the little things that you thought u would never miss that you end up crying over (sounds pathetic I know)
schools gay as usual
im really getting sick of the desert and the mountains first I thought they were pretty but they get really old really fast.
BUT some good news
Im coming to see everyone for the summer!
im getting my braces off in MAY
and Im getting my liscence on my birthday --even though I just got my learners
the good thing about california is all u have to do is take drivers ed, take the written test to get ur permit, then log in enough hours of driving to be able to take your driving test and get your liscence when youre 16.
i got an IPOD! haha
hmm i filled out an application for icon boardshop and they called me back and asked if my social security # was valid..this could be a good thing. well the guy who worked there told me as long as sarah (the other girl that works there) thinks your 18 then everything should be fine. he said that everyone hated her and she was probably gonna quit soon anyway. we can only hope
my grampa's giving me money for christmas presents. so everyone that wants one that Im friends with that I probably wouldnt get one for on my own, then just comment and Ill consider you. haha
theres like a lot of lesbians at my school. dont worry friends Ill try not to jump on the bandwagon. lol. I have a boyfriend(blush). and NO hes not mexican. haha although his name is xico. pronounced heecoh. sounds lame I know. but hes cool. and hot. and he has a nice car that he drives despite the fact that he doesnt have a permit.:)
hmm thats about all.. everyone that wants to call me! 1-909-425-2916
I know for a fact that ill be happy to talk to u
I love Paige! and shes my new shrink :)
k thats all. LOVE