Aug 23, 2008 22:45

Here we go, kiddos. Times like these I wish I had more iconspace-I'd have one of Hikari facepalming in an instant. :| Have a sample from New Blood. It's a later section, but it's one I like. SPOILER ALERT FOR DMC4.

Chapter Title: Angeldust (Parallels with Mission 18 in DMC4-Last Dante mission)
Warnings: Cussing, violence- the usual for the DMC fandom. |Db
Briefing: The old fart had his third strike as soon as he decided to use Kyrie and Nero...and they both were ready to kick his ass into oblivion.

“Alright, let’s run through this one more time,” Hikari said, one hand on her hip as she looked over to Dante, who was smirking while they drew ever closer to the giant living statue. This was it; they just needed to somehow break the damn thing open, then kick ass and get the kids out of there. “All the Hellgates on the island are destroyed?”


“And now we have to face that thing to get Nero and Kyrie out.”

“Pretty much.” Dante smirked, gripping Yamato tightly in one hand as he turned his head, raising an eyebrow at the brunette. “What, getting nervous?”

She snorted, golden eyes flashing for a moment. “Hardly. It’s more anticipation than anything else. That old fart’s had this coming ever since he decided to pull us into this. Hell, he’s had his third strike ever since he pulled those two in there.”

“Oh, and what were the first two?”

“First, even planning this bullshit. Second, getting us involved. Third strike against his ass was pulling Nero and Kyrie inside and killing Credo.” Her left hand tightened instinctively around Final Heaven’s handle, metal scraping against the polished handle of the custom-built gun/sword hybrid. She could feel her own energy rising, but she knew she had to wait. Now wasn’t the time to be pulling any bullshit that might get them killed. She had nearly been crushed before because of a similar mistake.

“Sounds like you got a vendetta. Mind if I join you on that one, kiddo?” He asked, glancing to the statue for but a moment, smirk still on his lips. He wasn’t surprised that Hikari was this angry, but he knew it would probably be for the best to keep an eye on her. Besides, he knew that no matter how hard he pushed her into it, she wouldn’t back down. Not now, especially with them being as close as they were with the whole thing.

Besides, it’d be fun. And neither of them were the type to back down from a challenge.


It had hardly taken the pair much time until they reached where Sanctus was hovering on front of the Savior, White Knights flanking him. Both looked relaxed, but you would have to be an idiot not to notice the tension in the air as they stared him down. Hikari flexed her fingers as she stood atop a nearby tower roof, Dante not too far ahead of her. This was it.

“You two could never touch the power of the Savior!”

Hikari rolled her eyes. All the religious fanatics that she had fought against- cultists that thought that the power they had been granted by some sort of forbidden ritual or something similar- said the same damn thing. And yet, they always ended up getting screwed over because of something they hadn’t counted on- in this case...probably having Nero inside that damn thing instead of Dante. “Suppose you aren’t going to let us get the kids out, then?” She mumbled, raising an eyebrow. She wasn’t sure what her involvement weighed, but it still would tip the outcome in their favor...she hoped, anyway.

“And yet here we are. What’s your point?” Dante replied, spreading his arms. Really, it was kinda funny to watch the old fart try and make himself look more important here. Pathetic, but still funny.

“Try as you might, your attempts will be futile. What would it take for you two to change your minds?” The White Knights flanking Sanctus shifted slightly, tensing as they awaited orders.

Hikari didn’t even have to think about that reply. “How about death, asshole.” She drew Final Heaven in one quick movement as Dante threw Yamato straight at the Savior.

It happened in an instant, the Knights flanking Sanctus and even those flying nearby flew straight toward the pair, Dante using them as stepping stones as Hikari’s wings spread in a blur of flame, following the red-clad devil hunter. “COME ON!” She shot forward, spinning in midair to shake the Knights off her tail, slamming Final Heaven’s blade into the nearest one at high velocity. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Dante had stuck Rebellion into the living rock, using it as a platform while he tried to get Yamato inside. She landed nearby, planting both feet on the rock. With a small smirk, she flicked the switch on her weapon, the blade folding down and revealing the gun barrel as she squeezed the trigger in rapid succession, causing their attackers to drop like flies.

“Whaddya think, kiddo?” Dante asked, still grinning.

“This is the easy part, it’ll be getting Yamato in that’ll be hard!” She replied, squeezing off another couple rounds before pushing off the statue and heading straight for another White Knight, flames engulfing not only Final Heaven, of which the blade was back in place, but also her entire body. She crashed into the possessed armor with tremendous speed, causing a small explosion before twisting around, stabbing it to make sure that it was completely gone and giving Dante a thumbs-up. “I got these clowns, get moving!”

“You got it, kiddo!” She didn’t have to say it twice. Dante leaped away, striking at anything that got too close to him. The job should be a hell of a lot easier now that Hikari was acting as distraction for the White Knights. Sure, he liked a challenge, but at this point, his goal was getting Yamato inside, and the easier the job was, the faster they could get done, and the collateral damage could be kept to a minimum.

Um...yeah. >____>

fanfiction, holy shit she's making progress, devil may cry 4

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