Ficlet tiem~

Jun 19, 2008 16:37

Yup, I got bored again. >__> DDD's been taking some of the juice, but with a couple potential muses coming up for the next month after KoF event, I wanted to get a chance to write this out. :3 PLUS, with Last Prayer coming up, I'm trying to sort out who to sponsor. It's down to three: Yuusuke, Ban Midou, and K'.

ANYWAY, to the writing~

Title: Second Time's the Charm
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Character POV: Yuusuke (3rd person)
Spoilers?: Yup. End of Chapter Black saga (Episode 89 in the anime)
Rating: PG for swearing.

The dark-haired youth spat, ignoring the fact that his saliva was tinged with red. Not like he hadn't bit open his cheek in a fight before, but a broken arm as well as gunshot wounds? That was a level of pain he hadn't experienced before. It was times like these that he was glad to have a rapid recovery rate thanks to reiki. The spirit bullet wounds from Kazuya had dulled to a slow throb, and his broken arm was already beginning to knit itself back together.

A cocky smirk played upon Yuusuke's lips as he stared his opponent straight on, his eyes not even betraying a hint of hesitation. Not like he would, anyway. He knew now; he knew how to beat this guy. Sure, the others might kick his ass for it...if they could. But this was the only way he knew that it would work. "I, I know we'll win..." His voice broke the silence, surprising his predecessor. "Because I have the perfect strategy for kicking ass." For once, he was going to take a page from Kuwabara's book; he just hoped it would wield the same results. "I know that Sensui knows what I'm thinking....because he usually does. But, what I don't know is do you have the stones," he becked the ex-Tantei to come forward, "to do what you say you'll do? Or are you afraid your whole little destiny's nothin' but crap?"

Bingo. He could sense the rage coming off Sensui in waves, but yet he didn't make the move. He didn't want to kill the teenager. At least, not at first. Come on, ya indecisive bastard, choose already. Do it or don't, ya prick. He stood there, unmoving, even as he sensed Kuwabara's new power being used, only to have it masked by Sensui's own energy. So it had come down to this...?

I have no regrets. Kick his ass, guys. He turned his head to give the others a smirk as they broke out, rushing toward them, but he knew they wouldn't make it. Sensui would close the gap before they could get in range.


He didn't even flinch, unmoving as he felt a sharp pain in his heart, a distant thud, then...


yu yu hakusho, eternity:last prayer, sponsorship tiem

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