11 days.

Nov 11, 2012 11:11

That was what I was worried about all along......what if we're too far apart for too long?

Just, i don't know :/ them are pretty important bunch of people but I just can't face the awkwardness. I don't want it to be awkward.

Although I'm only saying all these because I have an urm, let's say, over-imaginative brain? LOL

Both groups, I meant. I don't know ahahaha (´-`)
As the days get closer it worries me more and more, it'll be more difficult to keep in touch, it'll be more difficult to actually plan and go out as a group because...sometimes things just dont go the way you want it, and plans disappear...(does this sound familiar HAHA)


I won't know till I try it. I'll try my best T^T I love planning stuff but enacting it is another thing.

頑張ります( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

And yup. 11 days. And after these 11 days it's less than a month to Tokyo ( ; _ ; )


OH YEAH, HAPPY POCKY DAY!! I posted this at 11:11 *_* hahaha

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