i was supposed to make a post with chapter one of the fic for Aibaby's birthday but i'm still stuck so... ;___; /bangs head on wall/
but anyway Aiba's already 29 years old omg O__O
and Sho is gonna be 30 in less than a month. SAY WHUT?
haha woah i like old-jijis okay i don't care lmao.
and this post is so random and so full of singlish but aiyah i don't care already i just wanna do something since i'm bored and i have writer's block and i'm just replying tweets on tweetdeck ORZ.
haha there's too many things going on this holiday like seriously, this is my most "happening" holidays.
RL fangirls
need i say more?
it's definitely more fun to hang out with them rather than RL school friends, because you can just spazz and spazz and spazz and spazz and- /shuts mouth/
you get what i mean :D
araoke, random shopping trips, celebrating fangirl(s)' birthdays, going for some random cheap sale (OH YES I LOVE SALES MWAHAHAHA), celebrating idols' birthdays though we won't ever meet them anytime soon but still-, meeting up just to eat -
endless things to rant, it's like an addiction i just can't shake off.
not that i'd not want to be a fan anymore, lol actually i have a feeling i'll be hooked to arashi even when i have a husband and kids (waho i'll get them to get addicted to my old-jijis LOL). Proof? i was hooked to anime since primary 3 and in love with Inuyasha since primary 5/6 till arashi stole my heart <3
so damn ass cheesy wtf
twitter language, im used to that now. squeezing what you wanna say in 140 characters. me? never enough.
why do i sound so bitchy hahaha.
and it's already "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" but i don't feel prepared to take on the challenge of being an A-level student.
i don't even know how i got promoted anyway, i mean.... i put in effort, but by promoting so easily like that i have doubts with myself. for one, i know im not entirely strong in any of my subjects. yeah, not even lit...
it's- it's just kinda sad. i used to love history. until i had to juggle international and southeast asia.
independent learning.
why am i so used to spoon-feeding? is what i keep asking myself nowadays, is what has further perpetuated my laziness to research and stuff. although i can't say i'm not entirely grateful for the spoon-feeding. after all, it's what saved my ass in O's.
but seriously.
i need to start independent learning.
why is it so easy to slack, and so hard to keep up with a good habit.
needa cultivate one. how?
should prolly stop crapping here rn. what's coming out on the keyboard now is just brain fart lol.
homework, barely finished half of it sigh.
i'm gonna be 18 in less than a month. supposedly, "legal".
so why don't i feel any more than i am now?
brain fart, seriously.
sometimes i think i'm damn bimbo lol. why am i so phail :(
i will miss this holiday,seriously. i think it's time i start disciplining myself and really get down to work. i don't wanna regret, especially not in this period where i'm preparing for A's.
words are so easy to say, actions are the hard ones to initiate.
sorry for the brain fart haha.