Jan 11, 2011 13:34
HEY! I'm still alive and I still love my je boys as much as I used to (or even more now :D)
It's been a long time since last time I wrote here. Maybe like half a year or so XD Sorry... I just can't help it :p but today I felt somehow inspired and here I am!
Yesterday Messi was called the winner of Ballon d'Or (the "European" Footballer of the year award) and although I think he's a great (if not the best) football player and he deserved it, I wanted Xavi or Inesta to win it. They might not score as much as Messi, but they both play a very important role in the team and without them I'm pretty sure Barça won't be what we know now, nor the National Team (Spain) would've ever won the World Championship.
Before the ceremony started, I was watching Esport 3 (a new catalan sport related channel) and they were broadcasting special programs about the three above mentioned nominates for the "Golden Ball": Don Andrés, Xavi 550 and Messi 100 gols a la lliga. I could only watch the firts few minutes of the last one, because I had to go to "work" (I'm tutoring kids from secondary school), but I really enjoyed the other two! It was nice watching their professional trajectories since they were very young and remembered some moments of Barça from the past: Van Gaal, Kluivert, Sergi, Abelardo, Roger, Luis Enrique, Figo (¬¬ I cried when he left for RM and don't think I can forgive him EVER ò.ó)... but the best moment was seeing Pep on the field as the captian of the team (they even replayed a goal of him I could perfectly remember!). WOW! It all brought me a lot of nice and sad memories back from when I was kid!
Sorry for the entry, it was all about football n.n' If I feel like it, later or tomorrow I will post some gifs I made of the last countdown (mainly kanjani), but I won't promise anything! I'll try though! ;)
See you around anytime sooner than the last time or so I hope XD