Feb 08, 2006 23:36
So, I heard from Vicky last night. They met with the geneticist, and it looks as if Bailey is going to be ok. There is something going on with his chromosome that is not "normal", but they think that it won't cause him any problems (other than his heart defect which they do feel is connected with what they saw--and which is correctable with surgery). I am so relieved. We still have the hurdle of his surgery, but I am just so grateful that there isn't more there, ya know? Thank God:)
Today was a very productive day for me. I spent the day moving my oldest son, Nathan into his own room, and my youngest son into a room with my middle son. I also cleaned out all the junk that was in their toy boxes and organized their things so they can actually find what they want to play with (as opposed to pulling everything out to find the one toy at the bottom;)). I am exhausted but very pleased with all that I accomplished. I had been dreading that project...yay for me for getting it done!
In other news, I went to the Bradley classes that I am sitting in on for my certification. It was different from a non-student perspective. Honestly, I didn't enjoy it as much, b/c I was looking at it more critically--as in, if this were my class, how would I do this?--and also b/c I know so much more now than I did when I attended the classes three years ago. Still, I love Andolyn (the teacher)...she is so funny and quirky, and it was really good to see her again. Oh, and I also got to meet an online friend from Mothering, and that was very cool. I haven't ever met someone IRL after having met online, so that was new for me, but she was just like herself:) She and her dh are expecting their first baby, and they are planning a homebirth. I always love to see first-time moms having homebirths...it's so encouraging to me to see women who intuitively trust birth and don't feel the need to go to the hospital "just in case". They get to experience birth the way it is meant to be from the very beginning. Anyway, it was really nice to finally get to meet her.
Matt got home yesterday afternoon:) We had a nice dinner. I made cous cous,steak, and we had a big salad. Then I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dessert...yum! And I got to sleep snuggled up in his arms....it was the BEST sleep ever.
So, things seem to be looking up:) 'Bout time!