I got bored. So...
And weeeeeee
Oh my god! there was this guy and he came over and he was like, weeeeeeeeee
Oh my god! I went over to me mom and she'd be like, weeeeeeeeee
That's so funny. Cause I went home and i said "hey dad weeeeeeeeee"
And oh my god there was this guy and he goes, "hey I got a knife" and I go weeeeeeeeee
I went up to a thug gangster and he was like, "yo mother fucker weeeeeeeeee"
Yo,I saw ar-two-dee-two onthe street and he was like, weeeeeeeeee.
Yo, I saw this kid in a wheelchair going over a hill really fast and he was like, weeeeeeeeee
Yo, I was watching a movie theater and this guy, he was like "oh, I got popcorn" and I was like "Oh my god weeeeeeeeee"
When you're a kid, and you wanna go weee but you ain't got drugs yet
You hold on to your life. Hold onto your little gonads... And strife
Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife. Gonads and strife.
Gonads in the lightning. in the lightning. Gonads in the rain.
Yo, I saw a squirrel run across the street and he didn't get hit by a car, so he was like weeeeeeeeee
http://www.phxsuns.net/~sose/weeee.html Oh, yeah. And there is no way that the ring is scary.
It was a good movie, as far as okay movies go.
But scary is one thing it was not