a summers day

Jun 19, 2006 13:28

sometimes i just marvel at the idiocracy of some people. now, im usually not some pro-nature, keep everything as is type person, but it angers me if people throw their trash out of their cars, or trash campsites, the beach, or whatever. however, something about people throwing trash out of their cars really sends me off a cliff. i cant stand it when people throw stuff out of their cars, and i usually give them a "piece of my mind" when i see it (and its possible, and im not afraid for my life). and of course, the point of all of that was that i saw this happen today. i pulled into the bank of america in tarzana and as im about to turn to park i see these two about 20 year old women in a silver SUV either a saturn or a nissan throw a juice bottle out of their car at a green landrover parked as theyre backing out of their parking spot, so as i pull around to the parking area because i got kind of angry about that, i overshot a bit and ended up in the middle of the driving area, and they pulled forward and blocked me so that i couldnt move out of their way and gave me this horribly dirty look like if i was the trash they had just thrown out their window, and as my anger level was rising, my rationality level was dropping, so i flashed an equally dirty look back. and waited for them to do something, when i realized this was useless, i turned my wheel sharply and moved slightly out of their way, but only far enough i could "give them a piece of my mind" and the first thing that came to my mind was "keep your trash inside of your own car!" said in a pretty angry tone, and aparently they were a lot more proactive than i had thought, and they threw 2 plastic cups at my car, scratching it, which of course, sent me over the edge, and it took me a good 10 minutes to calm down. certain people just piss me off.

then certain peoples flacid amoeba-like arguements and faulty support for their arguements really makes me want to make them see their ignorance. like someone on the radio who claimed that the three major wars of the century were the gulf war, the cold war, and the war on terror. completely neglecting that the two world wars ever occurred, and when the radio show host tried to show this to her, she basically told him he was ignorant and wrong and that her theory has been proven in many newspapers, yet was unable to produce the names of these innumerable newspapers.

a few instances of stupidity that sends me clear over the edge.

also, today i was blatantly hit on by a 74 year old man with his wife at the vet. mind you, his wife was 20 years younger, but had so much botox and collagen in her face that she looked at least 80. he was also telling me to make sure that i find a guy with a sense of humor, that he was friends with the "hot" guy in school, but he would get all the "hot chicks" because they would realize that it was him talking, that they would use him to get them in the car, and that its easier to get a girl in bed with a sense of humor, then being serious, then came the oh so familiar question: "what do you do?" to which i responded with "oh im still in high school" and his whole expression changed, and he goes "now thats how a man can get himself into trouble...with a pretty girl like you, id hate to be a highschool teacher having pretty girls like you coming in my class" the only way i could respond to this was with a nervous laugh, so he continues "so how old are you? and since i was with my mom, and i felt safe, i said 16 and he was like, "wow, i remember 16 year olds to be little skinny girls with pigtails..." *nervous laughter* to which he responds with, "i thought you were a model, youre so beautiful and mature" meanwhile im trying to ignore the fact that hes clearly coming on to me, and just focus on the cuteness of his adorable puppy while his wife and my mom talked about pet insurance and exercising or whatever...i dont know whether to be flattered, or disgusted...im feeling quite a bit of both however...

so, i leave tomorrow for the entire summer...this is my address...send lots of letters, cards, care packages, and most importantly birthday presents!!! (coughjuly25cough) haha

Maribella Miller
1111 N. Orange Ave.
Orlando FL, 32804

cell-(818)268-6557 (but keep in mind, ill be 3 hours ahead of you, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont call me late at night here...)

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