Jun 08, 2007 09:10
Suck dicks!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!
No, Really I've thought about everybody in Victorville and I miss all those nights we got drunk, stoned, high, whatever, and I missed the shit out of you all. I was driving tonight and I wanted to just start driving south and come back. I miss all of those late nights, all the cigarettes we burned into ash, all the alcohol we pissed out into the desert, all of the stupid ass stunts and other dumb ass things we did as a group of friends. Nobody really knows what they have until it's gone. We have kicked life's ass. Now up here everybody sucks ass. Even the white people dress like gangsters. Rock is a taboo, and the police force is a small army out here. People are ten times more retarded. This barren desert rat infested wasteland is a place I remember as a place of freedom in it's near by remote lands. Full if real friends and friendships I wouldn't trade for all the shit in the world. So tonight I'm getting drunk for all of you. Hopefully I can pay a visit and we can drink together soon.....